14 posts tagged with kids.
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Metatalktail Hour: In which the kids freak us out

Inspired by this Twitter thread, tell us the freakiest thing a child ever said to you. Or that you (or a family member), as a child, ever said to someone. It doesn't have to be "eery" (as in the thread), just something weirdly unexpected and surprising. [more inside]
posted by taz on Apr 9, 2022 - 45 comments

Parenting Kids with Mental Health Issues....filter

Over the years there have been a number of AskMe posts about parenting kids with mental health issues, and some of them were written by other people! Which leads me to believe that there are other parents on Metafilter wrestling with the practical, social, and other challenges of raising kids with mental health challenges or diagnoses. I'm certainly not finding the community I want around this elsewhere, so I'm looking to Metafilter. I wonder whether there's an interest for a group of parents who have these struggles, to put heads together, problem-solve and hold space for one another. [more inside]
posted by chesty_a_arthur on Nov 22, 2019 - 15 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Childhood Fun

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! This week, I want to know your favorite things to do as a child. Can kids still do that today? If you were a kid today, what would you be itching to do? [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Jul 6, 2019 - 56 comments

The MeFi youth of today and tomorrow

My son wants to get a MeFi account. He's 11. Pros, cons? [more inside]
posted by signal on Oct 31, 2018 - 83 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Kiddie Toys

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! I'm off this week and this cortex goon is in charge, so ... . Anyway, Rhaomi wants to know your favorite toy growing up -- as well as any other exciting happenings in your life this week!
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Oct 14, 2017 - 121 comments

Ask MetaFilter as parenting aid

We had a very enjoyable dinnertime conversation tonight with our 8-year-old about the Ask MeFi question about the college student whose friend spilled water on her laptop and killed it. It was really great to say, "OK, here's an interesting ethical question, what do you think she should do? What does Mommy think? What does Daddy think?" And then we talked about the various answers people gave, and how we felt about them, and the whole thing was great. It made me want to make this a regular dinnertime feature! MeFi parents, do you use MetaFilter as a teaching or parenting tool, and if so how?
posted by escabeche on Mar 9, 2014 - 112 comments

Help find an askme: a system for keeping track of young kids at a party?

A while ago, someone posted a question asking for help working out a system of keeping track of fairly young kids at a party or gathering. I can't find it. [more inside]
posted by peep on Dec 31, 2013 - 24 comments

Indoctrinating the Next Generation

While the recent Mefite baby boom is wonderful (and adorable), I thought everyone might like to know that the slightly-older Hive-Spawn are progressing nicely, too:

Me: "Gee, Lil' Thumbscrew, I'm not really sure about [weird question involving the LD50 of gummie vitamins."
Lil' Thumbscrew, Aged Seven: "ASK METAFILTER!"

That is all.
posted by julthumbscrew on Mar 4, 2013 - 54 comments


Philly-area spawn-friendly meetup! [more inside]
posted by shiu mai baby on Feb 2, 2010 - 68 comments


This post turned into a clusterf*** of individual stereotyping and talking about the education levels of posters' kids (negatively). Let me just say: woah. [more inside]
posted by jock@law on Jan 7, 2010 - 948 comments

The Dangerous MeFi for Kids

Looking for the amazing thread, from a couple years ago (?), that became an anthology of stories about really dangerous things we did as kids. [more inside]
posted by Miko on Dec 18, 2008 - 37 comments

Making an AskMe anonymous after the fact?

This comment on this AskMe made me wonder - would it be possible to make an AskMe question anonymous after it had already been posted?
posted by Zephyrial on Jun 13, 2007 - 32 comments

Askme history: that thread with the indie playlist for the playground set.

I'm searching for an old AskMe thread where the OP requested a list of indie-rock/indie-pop music that would be good for children. I've already searched tags and AskMe search for various combinations of the terms "kids", "children" "indie" "music" and "playlist" and have not come up with the thread I am remembering. It was not the ice-cream-social thread or the hip-hop for a 10-year-old thread. I seem to recall it was from about 1-2 years ago.
posted by matildaben on Sep 12, 2006 - 6 comments

Can we get more of this?

This is why I love Metafilter. Can we get more of this?
posted by angry modem on Aug 12, 2005 - 46 comments

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