6 posts tagged with kindle.
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Reading MeFi discussions on a Kindle?
I often queue up MeFi articles for my subway ride using Amazon's Send to Kindle tool. It'd be great if I could also send the accompany discussions to my Kindle, but Amazon's tool only picks up the post text. My usual trick of running Readability on the page first doesn't work: Readability also discards the comments. I realize Kindles are pretty far down the long tail of devices that pb could spend his time supporting, so I'm not expecting official support here, but have any MeFites hacked together a good way to send the discussions to their Kindles?
Mefi to Kindle toolchain
What is the killer solution for getting mefi threads, including comments, onto a plain wifi Kindle. [more inside]
Thread disappear? Halp?
Can't find a very recent post about kindle allowing amazon and / or publishers to see exactly how people are reading books - can anyone point me in the right direction? Am I just going crazy?
e-book author - Live
Heads up: Hugh Howey, the subject of this post about his Kindle SciFi Bestseller, the WOOL series. Has showed up in thread. - -Not scared away yet.
Kindle lending library for mefites?
Yesterday, Amazon enabled lending for e-books in Kindle format, albeit with a whole lot of caveats, restrictions, limitations and rampant publisher opt-outs. But hey, books. Any interest in setting up a lending library for Mefites? And if so how the hell would we do that? [more inside]
Have you considered making Metafilter available for the Kindle?
Have you considered making Metafilter available for the Kindle?