7 posts tagged with letters.
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The Continuing Ongoing Modern Pen Pal Project

Since the beginning of 2020, I've been doing a project where I write a handwritten letter a week to friends, acquaintances, and family members on a topic of their choosing and have sent out over 150 letters since starting. I last posted for correspondence about 18 months ago here in MetaTalk, asking for participants -- and you folks delivered! From your participation, I've started some lovely longer-term correspondences, and have sent out one-time thoughts on everything from video games to the history of my area to books to new interests. My list has dwindled and I could use some new participants! [more inside]
posted by chiefthe on Jun 23, 2024 - 9 comments

The Ongoing Modern Pen Pal Project

Since the beginning of 2020, I've been doing a project where I write a handwritten letter a week to friends, acquaintances, and family members on a topic of their choosing and have sent out over 150 letters since starting. About 18 months ago, I posted here in MetaTalk, asking for participants -- and you folks delivered! From that initial participation, I've started some lovely longer-term correspondences, and have sent out one-time thoughts on everything from death to the history of my area to books to food. My list has dwindled and I could use some new participants! [more inside]
posted by chiefthe on Dec 21, 2022 - 8 comments

Modern Pen Pal Project

Since the beginning of 2020, I've been doing a project where I write a handwritten letter a week to friends, acquaintances, and family members on a topic of their choosing. I am looking for some new folks who would enjoy snail mail. [more inside]
posted by chiefthe on May 15, 2021 - 17 comments

Mefi Card Club Appreciation part II: Electric Boogaloo

The Card Club sign-ups were a while ago and we had an old appreciation thread several months ago, but what's new? Has everyone been enjoying sending letters? Got any good stamps? Any issues that should be discussed? Just want to squee about mail? Then this is the thread for you! Technically the old appreciation thread is still open, but the last comments were in August so I figured we were due for a new one. All the thanks to the all mighty and powerful Fig for setting this in motion and keeping everything running smooth!
posted by Homo neanderthalensis on Oct 19, 2018 - 27 comments

MeFi PenPals

There seems to be some interest in letter writing, based on the responses to this AskMe: Need a surrogate older sister. [more inside]
posted by smuna on Jun 5, 2013 - 47 comments

Mother, she not like the boom

In case you didn't know, a hilarious, amazing AskMe about a mysterious Christmas Letter has inspired a strange, oddly addictive song on MetaMusic. That is all.
posted by The Whelk on Dec 16, 2010 - 39 comments

MetaFilter Letters

Perhaps I'm seen as a soft touch or something but people keep emailing me with requests for posting links, comments or just general attitudes. Mostly they're honest reactions to discussions here. Or interesting suggestions.

There certainly seems to be a lot of occasional readers who feel strongly about the issues discussed here. Could there be the equivalent of a Letters category on MetaTalk, for readers who aren't members to react to the threads that exercise them? At least until registrations are open again? As a fan of letters sections in newspapers and magazines, my opinion is that it would make MetaFilter even livelier.
posted by MiguelCardoso on Feb 26, 2002 - 21 comments

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