10 posts tagged with link and askme.
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Are all links created equal?

Why are there two places to click? Why does the "[more inside]" link point to the same place as the "XX comments" link? [more inside]
posted by Drasher on Jan 14, 2010 - 39 comments

A little? AskMe front page tweak

My little pony: how much work would be required to turn the "contains answers marked as best" checkmark on the front page of AskMe into a link to the first best answer?
posted by flabdablet on Mar 27, 2008 - 18 comments

The Askventure of Link

Why no 'link' button in AskMeFi?
posted by conch soup on May 12, 2007 - 51 comments

link me inside

Minor AskMe usability gripe: Can [more inside] be a link to the thread? When a question is unanswered, the only way to get into the thread is by clicking "0 Answers." It seems more logical to click on [more inside].
posted by eyeballkid on Apr 4, 2007 - 7 comments

Dot Squatting

This article tells people to check out askmetafilter.com, not ask.metafilter.com. The link goes to AskMeFi though, not askmetafilter.com, which appears to be a shady spam and pop up info site...and I refuse to link to it.
posted by lobstah on Feb 18, 2007 - 7 comments

How to add a link to AskMe post

I am trying to post a question to Ask MetaFilter and don't see an option to add a Web link.
It's clearly there if I go to respond to someone else's post or if I want to post to MetaFilter.
And I see that others have added web links to their questions.
Am I missing something?
posted by terrier319 on Apr 28, 2005 - 10 comments

blinding color blindness test link

Watch out for fatllama's link to a color blindness test in Keyser Soze's AskMe thread. It's not for the easily disturbed, or those looking for a quiet night of surfing. I should have recognized it from previous experience with it on the net, but I didn't and now metafilter doesn't have to either.
posted by ontic on Dec 5, 2004 - 14 comments

AskMe Post Inadvertantly Promotes

Admin hope has been requested here. Tankoo.
posted by scarabic on Sep 16, 2004 - 3 comments

Why isn't ask.metafilter.com linked to in the blue?

Why isn't ask.metafilter.com linked to in the nav of the blue like it is in the grey ?
posted by zeoslap on Aug 25, 2004 - 23 comments

Link to AskMe

Ask MetaFilter is currently only available to those of us who come to MetaTalk. Since it's probably the best thing on MeFi since the sliced-bread thread, wouldn't it be an elementary courtesy to extend the service (and information) to the blue-only crowd? Is it really so marvellous that it deserves to be kept for us aficionados alone? Fwiw, I think we could use the extra minds and souls. Why not include a link (plus sidebar mention) on the main page? Or is it meant to be an insiders' secret? This, imho, is just wrong!
posted by MiguelCardoso on Dec 21, 2003 - 34 comments

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