2 posts tagged with llamas.
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EpiMetaFilter view pony

Could there be a view of all of the posts across all of the sites, MetaFilter, AskMetaFilter, MetaTalk, FanFare, FanFareTalk (???), Projects, IRL, etc.? I love the unique feel of the different sites, but I would love one place to see the flow of activity. Maybe CircuMetaFilter? Would this have a homogenizing effect? Impossible in Cold Fusion? Already attempted and failed miserably?
posted by mumblelard on Jan 6, 2018 - 15 comments

Friends! Countrypeople! Lend me your Pets.

They say that cats rule the internet - is there proof that they rule Metafilter? Mefites, show us your pets! [more inside]
posted by Deoridhe on May 14, 2015 - 217 comments

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