3 posts tagged with longest.
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When was the last time a FPP neared 700 comments?

http://​www.​metafilter​.com​/128626​/Matt-Smith-is-leaving-Doctor-Who - Is there a way to search, sort, organized based on what's generated the most discussion?
posted by smallerdemon on Jun 2, 2013 - 14 comments

2012 Datawankery

Some 2012 datawankery, courtesy of the infodumpster.... [more inside]
posted by zarq on Jan 4, 2013 - 117 comments

The long and the...no, I'm sorry, I can't write that

What are the all-time longest and shortest post titles? Broken down by subsite, if possible.
posted by Chrysostom on Mar 7, 2011 - 13 comments

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