59 posts tagged with losangeles.
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Los Angeles Meetup
Los Angeles Mefis: How about a meetup?
Being a newish member, it'd be cool to meet some of the other posters.
Being a newish member, it'd be cool to meet some of the other posters.
Los Angeles Meetup
LA Meet up!
Given the, er, considerable interest in the last Los Angeles meetup, we've decided to throw a post-Thanksgiving burger bash.
Eyeglasses encouraged.
Friday, November 26, 6 pm, at Irv's Burgers in West Hollywood , followed by cocktails at ">The Coronet Pub.
Hope to see you there - for more details, email's in the profile.
Given the, er, considerable interest in the last Los Angeles meetup, we've decided to throw a post-Thanksgiving burger bash.
Eyeglasses encouraged.
Friday, November 26, 6 pm, at Irv's Burgers in West Hollywood , followed by cocktails at ">The Coronet Pub.
Hope to see you there - for more details, email's in the profile.
LA Meetup is COMING
The L.A. MeetUp (unpopularly known as MeFiSoCalWenCom04) is coming: Not this weekend, but next weekend. I'm requesting "pre-registrations" so I can put together "swag bags" for those who attend. Still taking location suggestions. More details at MEAT.METALIFTER.COM Mis-spell it carefully.
And be warned... the Southern California MonkeyFilterites are coming...
And be warned... the Southern California MonkeyFilterites are coming...
Los Angeles meetup.
For those of us who don't have the money to register at CES, how about MeFiSoCalWenCom2004, featuring the first promised opportunity to call Wendell an asshat in person!!! When: January. Where: Somewhere in L.A. Let's narrow it down...
Los Angeles Meetup
There was previously discussion of having a MeFiLA gathering on February 15. Shall we make this happen?
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face: How refreshing it was to see the pictures of the MetaFilter members who recently met for drinks in Los Angeles![Scroll down] Stevis, chacal and y6y6y6 all posted photographs of the group on this thread. It seems to me we're all becoming less anonymous and less cagey about revealing personal information about ourselves. Including real names, zipcodes and even professional details. Phone numbers are quite freely exchanged. Some of us have even started swapping CDs through the mail.
If this impression is correct, I'd like to hear others' opinions on what's changed and what it means. People here seem much more nonchalant about the possibility of being tracked down and checked out - by employers, actual or potential, for instance. Are we relaxing more or is it something else - say, a consequence of harder times or a reappraisal of basic(old-fashioned?) Internet anonymity and multiple-identity ideologies?
If this impression is correct, I'd like to hear others' opinions on what's changed and what it means. People here seem much more nonchalant about the possibility of being tracked down and checked out - by employers, actual or potential, for instance. Are we relaxing more or is it something else - say, a consequence of harder times or a reappraisal of basic(old-fashioned?) Internet anonymity and multiple-identity ideologies?
The first ever Los Angeles Metafilter Event is Friday
The first ever Los Angeles Metafilter Event is Friday, March 29th in Santa Monica. (Details inside...)
LA meetup?
Has there ever/will there ever be a Los Angeles MeFi gathering? I did a search but all I found was this. Did anything happen there? Is there another thread about this I'm missing? I've been seeing the posts about the NY gathering and I'm jealous.
First Ever Meetup Request
Hi, just curious if anyone is interested in having a metafilter user get together... kind of like what Cam of Camworld.com did...
Post your interest here... Since metafilter is based in LA and so am I, I am assuming it would be in the LA area...
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