5 posts tagged with madmen.
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FanFare Mad Men Rewatch Issues & Proposal

Some of us are discussing a re-watching of Mad Men from the beginning once this current half-season ends. We have some questions around spoilers and quasi-spoilers and exactly how to set this up in FanFare. [more inside]
posted by mikepop on May 23, 2014 - 134 comments

Megafiller.com Makes it to Time Magazine

iamkimiam's answer to a "Mad Men" related question on "megafiller.com" referenced at Time.com's Tuned In Blog (scroll to the last paragraph)
posted by The Gooch on Aug 27, 2010 - 47 comments

Don Draper Does MeTa

Do MeTa Mad Men style, Just like Don Draper. [more inside]
posted by Antidisestablishmentarianist on Nov 4, 2009 - 240 comments

Watch Mad Men in vintage style in Tucson, Sunday evenings?

Now that Season 3 of Mad Men has begun, I'm seeking a way to watch it weekly, and it occurred to me that we Tucson MeFites have an especially stylish way to do so.... [more inside]
posted by Tufa on Aug 20, 2009 - 14 comments

Commuter paper Metafilter shoutout

Metafilter's work on this "Mad Men" AskMe has not gone unnoticed. Across Canada, commuters are asking "what's a metafilter?" [more inside]
posted by sevenyearlurk on Sep 28, 2007 - 25 comments

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