11 posts tagged with malware.
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Freeware program secretly sending data back to developer

Trying to find an FPP about a freeware program secretly sending information back to its developer, opening a backdoor, or otherwise doing more than meets the eye. [more inside]
posted by pravit on Sep 23, 2017 - 6 comments

fpp about program sending data back secretly

I'm looking for an FPP about a free program that was secretly sending data back to its creator. [more inside]
posted by pravit on Dec 15, 2015 - 9 comments

malware tip links in sidebar lack context

In the sidebar of the main Metafilter site, there's a Feb 21st entry* reading, in total: brainmouse reminds us: "Check out deezil's and samsara's profiles as really fantastic starting points." Say what now? That blurb would benefit from a few more words, like "Concerned about malware on your computer? brainmouse reminds us ..." (* yes, I'm slow)
posted by intermod on Mar 5, 2014 - 24 comments

Malware warning on almost all links including contact form

Just an FYI, anything I click link-wise, although NOT the new-post button, returns this warning in chrome. [more inside]
posted by TomMelee on Feb 3, 2013 - 62 comments

Dodgy link needs to go.

Why is the second link to this post still up? Several people have mentioned problems with it, including myself, yet the link still remains. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I think that the link should be axed since its absence won't really affect the rest of the post. Or is this just something that is allowed? [more inside]
posted by MaryDellamorte on Feb 4, 2012 - 57 comments

link contains malware

pony: Could "Link contains malware" be added to the Post/Comment Flagging reasons list? [more inside]
posted by seanyboy on May 12, 2010 - 20 comments

Mefi.us flagged as malware?

Mefi.us flagged as malware? [more inside]
posted by dirtdirt on Mar 31, 2010 - 85 comments

all malware make yonation go something something

Hmm.. nope. Can the mods, uh, modify the intro to this question? [more inside]
posted by yonation on Nov 22, 2008 - 79 comments

Malware link pasted into post

What the heck is with the link on this thread?!
&lastAdTime=1095099974|1095030164|1095010854|0|10950 posted by tss on Sep 13, 2004 - 8 comments

FPP for skeezy malware marketing

Should there really be a FPP that's really a rather thinly veiled marketing attempt for some rather skeezy malware?
posted by LimePi on Dec 4, 2003 - 26 comments

pop-ups - are they from mefi?

Is it just me, or is everyone else being attacked by pop-ups while trolling around in here?
posted by lilboo on Jul 17, 2002 - 14 comments

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