16 posts tagged with matt.
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It's the $5 noob anniversary!

Fourteen years ago today, Matt started the $5 signups allowing all of us noobs to come in and mess up the place.
posted by octothorpe on Nov 18, 2018 - 59 comments

The Election Year That Never Ended

Where Cortex is interviewed by Patrick O'Keefe of Community Signal. Issues include the (ongoing) impact of the 2016 election on MetaFilter, member deaths, the recent transfer of ownership and how MetaFilter has addressed casual sexism, racism and transphobia. Recent interviewees include Jessamyn and Matt. Contains profanity.
posted by Wordshore on Aug 21, 2017 - 53 comments

Go be awesome

How to Leave Your Internet Job. Advice for @mathowie on his new adventure by Jessamyn.
posted by zarq on Mar 10, 2015 - 102 comments

One last chance to be moderated by Matt: feel free to be extreme.

So, mathowie, you are still with us for one last night, as a so-called moderator. Interesting. Beguiling, even. Show us then: what are the uncouthnesses, insubordinations and downright fripperies up with which you will not put, while you are still in power?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Mar 6, 2015 - 612 comments

Matt has a new icon

Matt's interview in the latest issue of Wired: Matt Haughey on Trolls, Nonfriend Networks, and Why Buzzfeed Sucks
posted by vacapinta on Apr 22, 2013 - 84 comments

How Blogger Begat the Push-Button Publishing Revolution

This Neat Flowchart from over at Wired didn't seem like enough for a FPP but it's really interesting to see what all the Pyra Labs people have done since 1998, including starting things like Metafilter. "At the close of 1998, there were 23 known weblogs on the Internet. A year later there were tens of thousands. What changed? Pyra Labs launched Blogger, the online tool that gave push-button publishing to the people. It was a revolutionary web product made by a revolutionary web of people who went on to build much of the modern net. Here’s how Pyra propagated."
posted by Blake on Apr 16, 2013 - 37 comments

Matt Haughey talks about why Facebook is like AOL in the '90s, and the best and worst developments in online communities

The Verge: MetaFilter founder: Reddit's 'creepy stuff' shows how hard it is to run an open community [more inside]
posted by blue_beetle on Dec 12, 2012 - 230 comments

I ain't payin' for this wifi

"Hotel internet down. I scanned the network, found wifi router running port 80, logged in as admin/admin, rebooted, fixed. All on my iPhone." Tweet by @mathowie earlier tonight. Does nothing stop the super hero staff of MetaFilter? Are there other stories of MetaStaff extraordinary efforts to stay online?
posted by lee on Jun 17, 2012 - 46 comments

"Matt says that garbage grossness does not transfer"

Matt Haughey of Metafilter and his wife Kay split household chores right down the middle, except when it comes to garbage duty. Does the person taking out the trash have "garbage hands" that are only suitable to replace the trash bag and deal with all matters dirty? Judge John Hodgman decides!
posted by staggernation on Jul 6, 2011 - 68 comments

Sticks and stones did break his bones, but your words may bring him laughter

I am the MetaFilter pintern (paid intern) Dom, and would love to hear any funny stories the Mefi community has about breaking bones, in order to keep the boss's spirits up while healing from his scaphoid fracture. [more inside]
posted by Dominic. Allen on Jul 5, 2011 - 137 comments

Matt on boingboing.

Matt's on the front page of boing boing tonight. [more inside]
posted by crunchland on Jan 25, 2011 - 35 comments

We do.

"A lot of people obsessed with venture capital see Metafilter as a lifestyle business, but in my mind, it’s a mature business. It works really well and yet nobody aspires to do something like this and I don’t know why. Nobody celebrates just simple businesses that work." - Interview with Matt Haughey by Sue Medha [via Matt's twitterfeed]
posted by Kattullus on Feb 5, 2010 - 92 comments

#1? Evil.

Look, I'm sorry -- I can't be the only one who, while watching Heroes every week, sees this guy and immediately and unfailingly thinks of this guy, right?
posted by John Kenneth Fisher on May 10, 2007 - 87 comments

The early days of MeFi

Looking back in the archives, almost every post (except for 4) in August of '99 was submitted by #1. I wonder if those first few months of MeFi's life was frustrating.
posted by C17H19NO3 on May 2, 2005 - 24 comments


Strange, I read the post about evolt.org first, and it got juxtaposed againts mathowie's comments next, and I am reminded how much I have enjoyed MF over the year I've known it, and still incredulous that Mr. Haughey would be willing to offer so much for so little for so long. So what does one do when a silly little site no one cares about becomes something everybody loves but you (when you are the one that lives with it)?
posted by piskycritter on May 13, 2002 - 10 comments

Mefi closing? For serious sez #1

Mefi hacked again? I was reading this thread and someone posting under your name said this:
k10k and Dreamless are taking breaks, not closing permanently.
As MetaFilter will, from August 6th to August 20th. I'll be in Australia, and will be taking the site down during my time away, to ensure I don't have any reason to worry about the site while I spend my vacation/honeymoon relaxing.
posted by fooljay on Jul 14, 2001 - 29 comments

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