6 posts tagged with media and npr.
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Notice and Gratitude

Tomorrow's NPR episode of The Bryant Park Project will include features on Stuff Nobody Likes and Muxtapes, complete with an interview with our very own Afroblanco. [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on Apr 9, 2008 - 49 comments

NPR headline unknowingly makes a MeFi funny.

Possible pool of potential new members?
posted by greatgefilte on Nov 5, 2007 - 48 comments

MeFi on NPR

NPR plugs Ask MeFi (5th item, scroll down)
posted by mathowie on Dec 8, 2006 - 37 comments

MetaFilter mentioned in NY Times and on NPR

Every e-mail discussion list, Web bulletin board and group blog is an example of collective intelligence at work. Do you want to know where "memes" start? Try the group blogs www.metafilter.com and boingboing.net...

From Online Diary: A Last Look at Web Destinations (NYT)

He checks in with two blogs every day -- Boing Boing and MetaFilter -- which feature content from multiple bloggers and provide links to everything from legal documents to book reviews...

From A Blogger's Take on Summer Reading (NPR)

Metafilter:The Boing Boing It's OK To Like ?
posted by y2karl on Aug 15, 2004 - 27 comments

A story heard on Morning Edition preceded by a MeFi post

Forgive the potential horn tooting aspect here, but check out this story from yesterday's NPR Morning Edition--note the Other Resources listed at the bottom, where a couple of links are very familiar. This is by no means the first time a story heard on Morning Edition has been preceded by a MetaFilter post. Somebody over there must be a member or lurker here. It is in many ways an improvement on the post, let it be noted.

posted by y2karl on Jul 18, 2002 - 23 comments

MeFi - NPR connection?

On most days I listen to NPR. At least once a day I read about something on metafilter and moments/hours later there is an NPR story on it; Or the opposite - I listen to a story and then discover a thread covering the exact story, usually with added information and/or related links. I suppose this isn't very exciting. What I'm wondering is if anyone else has had this experience with metafilter converging with other traditional media so seamlessly?
posted by Jeremy on Aug 29, 2001 - 10 comments

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