16 posts tagged with medical.
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Medicine spinoff?

One of today's Ask posts--and the recent no-username-at-meetups discussion here!!--prompted me to ask: Are any of the various medical students, physicians, etc. interested in forming a Google group or similar? [more inside]
posted by 8603 on May 6, 2016 - 22 comments


This post is based on is sensationalised and scaremongering reporting and should be deleted. And then the ground should be salted so that no other post like it can ever grow again. [more inside]
posted by Ned G on Apr 26, 2016 - 30 comments

If it's not answering the question, can it be deleted?

I know asking medical questions here is controversial. I don't expect to resolve that all here. But I do think there's a consistently problematic answer found in medical threads that has no answer-value and I wish this kind of answer would be deleted as such. [more inside]
posted by latkes on Nov 2, 2014 - 210 comments

Askme comment: answers your doctors need to decipher mystery symptoms

Looking for an AskMetafilter comment that listed recommended questions the OP should think about for an upcoming doctor's appointment. [more inside]
posted by NikitaNikita on Jun 1, 2012 - 10 comments

Vague medical AskMe questions

This question seems like a really bad idea, heading into territory where AskMe advice may be worse than no advice at all. [more inside]
posted by carbide on Jan 23, 2011 - 140 comments

How many hits of this acid should I eat?

Seriously, we're going to tell somebody how much ativan to take? [more inside]
posted by Netzapper on Aug 11, 2010 - 99 comments

Travel Medical Tech Support Filter

have pros and cons ever been discussed for separating AskMe's into segregated categories for ( "what do you recommend I do during my three months in X / can anyone recommend a good shoe repairmen in X" ; "radioactive Y on my eyeball when I woke up-- should I see a doctor?" ; and "need help with Z computer-ish code-ism/softwareness" )? [more inside]
posted by candyhammer on Jun 4, 2009 - 45 comments

Not everybody lives in Canada.

"If it's bothering you, go see a doctor." This isn't helpful in many cases; can we stop saying it? [more inside]
posted by Citizen Premier on Oct 13, 2008 - 60 comments

I am a commenter, but not your commenter

Please, for the love of all that is holy, can we please stop? [more inside]
posted by gjc on Jun 4, 2008 - 182 comments

Ministry of Mis-Information

Could people please stop giving medical advice with no basis in science in this thread? [more inside]
posted by DarlingBri on May 16, 2008 - 96 comments

AskMe screws the pooch

AskMe gets it badly wrong, as the original poster reveals here. [more inside]
posted by ikkyu2 on Dec 5, 2007 - 254 comments

Lots of medical advice

3000 answers, and not one of them should be taken as medical advice. Here's to you, ikkyu2.
posted by Busy Old Fool on Feb 4, 2007 - 72 comments

Why Medical Questions?

Last week, SpecialK wondered aloud on MeTa, "Why do people keep asking medical questions on AskMe?". Here's a Pew Research report that talks about how and why people look for health information online. Also see Eszter Hargittai's Crooked Timber post on this study and another, along with her other posts and writings. (I posted here because it's too narrow-interest for MeFi and is in reponse to an AskMe etiquette question. Also, it's not bitching or a callout.)
posted by Ethereal Bligh on May 19, 2005 - 9 comments

the reply is ALWAYS going to be "See a doctor"

Why do people keep asking medical questions on AskMe when the reply is ALWAYS going to be "See a doctor?" Should we have a message like they have on doctors phone lines that says, "If you think you have a medical problem, don't ask us, GO SEE A DOCTOR." in the AxMe posting page?

As a broader question, is community decision making and the internet replacing common sense?
posted by SpecialK on May 12, 2005 - 66 comments

askme medical questions

Criminy! We need a way to flag askMe posts as: Go to a doctor, goofball!
posted by jpburns on Mar 11, 2005 - 16 comments

Policy against legal, medical, and tax advice?

Requests for very specific legal, medical, and tax advice make me nervous. There should be some policy against these, or at least a very bold warning strongly discouraging and expressly disclaiming liability against responses in these threads.
posted by PrinceValium on Mar 1, 2004 - 52 comments

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