2 posts tagged with medschool.
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Doctor, it hurts when I do this...

After an unbelievable sequence of events that went “beyond tragedy to farce,” and after personal hardships only worth mentioning if she so chooses, and even more than four years of med school study, and after more extra science study because she had already had an established career in a completely different field... ...and after a metric crapton of MeFite support for a beloved member... I am thrilled to introduce M.D. ocherdraco, M.D., who graduated today.
posted by St. Hubbins on Dec 20, 2019 - 132 comments

Medicine spinoff?

One of today's Ask posts--and the recent no-username-at-meetups discussion here!!--prompted me to ask: Are any of the various medical students, physicians, etc. interested in forming a Google group or similar? [more inside]
posted by 8603 on May 6, 2016 - 22 comments

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