4 posts tagged with meetupsnyc.
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NYC Meetup Anyone?

I just moved to the area and I'm about 30 minutes outside of NYC, so I'm probably not the one to plan it. But I'd probably show up :-)
posted by GregX3 on Oct 10, 2008 - 3 comments

daShiv in NYC

DaShiv is coming to NYC (fulfilling my hope). Circa Sep. 15 to 25th. If you don't know DaShiv, he is famous for his amazing knack for stunning professional-grade candid photography, especially in meetup contexts (not that we weren't all gorgeous to begin with). We need to: a) plan one or more meetups around his visit, with the focus being on providing good backdrops for all the pics he's going to take. I suggest at least one indoor location and one outdoor location. b) provide places for him to stay. I can donate floor space in Hoboken for a couple of nights. We need to do this soon so that he can confirm his flight dates and be sure that he won't be left huddled on a grate in Central Park, taking photos of rats.
posted by bingo on Aug 14, 2007 - 48 comments

NYC mefi meet up?

NYC mefi meet up? I'll be in NYC 11/18 - 11/22. Anyone interested in joining me for a meet up?
posted by Juicylicious on Nov 16, 2004 - 50 comments

Meetup in NYC, 2/20/04

MeFiNYC reminder: Friday! Friday! Friday! This Friday the 20th of February at the Veselka Dome, witness MONSTER MeFi ACTION ACTION ACTION! Gates open at 7.30 - no passes will be honored!

posted by adamgreenfield on Feb 17, 2004 - 46 comments

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