10 posts tagged with memorial.
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eotvos memorial service details - May 13
Chicago area MeFites (and others): there will be a memorial service for eotvos (Erik Shirokoff) on Saturday May 13, 2023 both in person and over Zoom. Details can be found on this page. I am passing along this notification at the request of his friend Martin.
Remembering scrump
govtdrone has passed away
jbickers has passed away
Sad news this morning: long-time mefite jbickers has passed away at 45. Here's an obituary from WFPL, one of the Louisville public radio stations he'd worked for. [more inside]
Brad Graham memorial (followup)
Followup on the memorial for Brad Graham. (Previously here & here, donation page here). We've nearly reached our $5000 goal here, and have an additional contribution of about $3k, so I'm now in discussions with the Rep about how to use the money, and want to get a sense of your preferences. [more inside]
Bradlands Memorial
MeFite judith is arranging a memorial to our dear friend Bradlands with his employer, the Repertory Theater of St. Louis. [more inside]
Memorial fund?
What would the community think about a memorial fund or something for the family of Brooke Bennett? [more inside]
AZ meetup
Another Phoenix-area meetup: Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day) [more inside]
An update on MiHail memorial donations.
An update on MiHail memorial donations.
Should I post another WTC memorial site?
how should I handle this? a user has written asking that I post another WTC memorial site to the top page. (more inside)