5 posts tagged with mixCD.
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Winter MeFiSwap!
You listen to good music. You pick some of it out, and you put it in a certain order, and you listen to your mix all the time. It's good! It sounds good, too good to keep to yourself. So you burn 5 copies of your mix to CD and you put 'em in the mail. Soon 5 different discs containing 5 different mixes from 5 other people appear in your mailbox, and this is good because you're tired of listening to the mix you made and some new tunes from cool MeFites is just the right thing.
MeFi Swap Winter 2009 is open for sign-ups. [more inside]
MeFi Swap Winter 2009 is open for sign-ups. [more inside]
Metafilter Mix CD Swap: Best of 2007 Edition Tracklists
A little over two months ago, I proposed a Metafilter Mix CD Swap: Best of 2007 Edition. Twenty-three people decided to participate and swapped CDs containing their favorite songs from 2007. In that thread it was suggested that after the swap concluded “yall make a thread with your final tracklists and commentary, or otherwise publish them where I and others could read and DL accordingly.” Of the twenty-three participants, seventeen decided to share their tracklists, which you will find inside. Rock on. [more inside]
Please help me name my mix CD about kittens.
The AskMe guidelines make a simple-sounding request: 'Please avoid "help me name my kitten/computer/website" and "help me make a mix CD" questions.' But these kinds of questions are posted fairly frequently, and seldom seem to be deleted. How many of these kinds of questions are posted, and what proportion of those are removed? If the guideline isn't being enforced because people love the name-my-whatever questions, maybe it would be better to just get rid of the guideline. Alternately, if the guideline is to remain, maybe it would be better to make it more prominent, and/or to delete a larger proportion of the questions which break it.
Are these an acceptable use of Ask.me or not?
I'd love to help you name your cat, and I'd love to help you name your baked goods. BUT - Please avoid "help me name my kitten/computer/website" and "help me make a mix CD" questions. Why do we want to avoid these kind of questions? Are these an acceptable use of Ask.me or not?
What happened to the CD exchange?
MeFi CD Mix Exchange... please let me know if this is an inappropriate place for this question. A while back there was a sign up for a MeFi CD Exchange. I haven't heard anything about it again. Any idea if this was legitimate and is still going on?