4 posts tagged with myspace.
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Can I link to my classmates' MySpace Music pages?

I study popular music, and needless to say I go to school with some pretty amazing musicians and song-writers, many of whom have MySpace profiles and websites with their songs on them. [more inside]
posted by MaiaMadness on May 30, 2010 - 31 comments

If I had the force, I would choke the shit out of you.

Can I put this in my metafilter URL? [more inside]
posted by SheMulp AKA Plus 1 on Mar 5, 2009 - 28 comments

The MeFi Myspace page is awful

The Metafilter MySpace is awful and terribly nsfw. Could it be toned down?
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket on Jun 7, 2006 - 60 comments

Why no Metafilter myspace?

Why no Metafilter myspace?
posted by Mean Mr. Bucket on May 19, 2006 - 93 comments

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