5 posts tagged with n00bs.
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Trying to find Cooking for n00bs questions on ask.me

I'm having stupid-brain when it comes to finding a specific kind of cooking-for-total-newbies question on Ask. [more inside]
posted by Tomorrowful on Nov 1, 2011 - 10 comments


There are a lot of new people on MetaFilter and I want to make a Welcome to MeFi page on the wiki. Can you help me out with some things you wished you'd known when you were new here? [more inside]
posted by jessamyn on Jul 26, 2010 - 227 comments

Callout of Responses to Miss Lynnster's First Ever Post

This is my first MeTa thread calling someone out, but this just seems out of line. A new member posts a good link that is not news/politics/religion, and someone has to find something to whine about. Good job sticking up for yourself, though, miss lynnster!
posted by TedW on Dec 20, 2004 - 64 comments

be nice to n00bs

Things I learned in kindergarden, or... just be nice.
posted by cedar on Dec 14, 2004 - 38 comments

Be Nice to the N00bs.

I'd like to remind everyone that we have some new users, and we really ought to encourage them as much as possible. While I agree entirely with the Q-man's sentiment, name-calling is counterproductive to the site, especially when it's a user's first FPP.

This isn't so much a call-out on quonsar, but a reminder that discouraging the new users is detrimental to the health of the site.
posted by jpoulos on Apr 29, 2004 - 93 comments

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