12 posts tagged with newsfilter and politics.
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When is Enough Enough?

Should I have learned a lesson from this? [more inside]
posted by timsteil on Feb 19, 2008 - 41 comments

True to form

True to form, this post could use a little balance. [more inside]
posted by four panels on Oct 12, 2007 - 85 comments

Did I miss a thread?

Was there a "Bush expresses regret for 'Bring it on!' " thread, and I missed it? apolgies if this should've been asked in AskMeFi instead
posted by pax digita on Jun 5, 2006 - 36 comments

Do we need a new thread every time a Republican swallows a load?

So-and-so likes teh cock.

So what? Do we need a new thread every time a Republican swallows a load?

Just wondering.
posted by mr_crash_davis on Nov 11, 2004 - 107 comments

Election fatigue.

Election Fatigue. Could we put all the US Election links and discussion in just 1 front page post per day. Tempers are flaring, and the level of discourse is not improving. The moratorium was not successful. Besides, sometimes I want to reference a comment or link, and can't find it in the welter of election postings.
posted by theora55 on Oct 25, 2004 - 36 comments

Too much US politics

It's 9PM EST and as I look at the front page I see twenty posts today.

Ten of these are about United States politics and of the remaining ten, another two are somewhat related. I know it's important and all, but c'mon, enoughs enough.
posted by cedar on Oct 17, 2004 - 53 comments

With so much Bush on MeFi, maybe it's time to start bush.metafilter.com?

There are 32 instances of the word Bush on the MeFi front page. How about we start http://bush.metafitler.com? Or maybe just take over BushFilter?
posted by armoured-ant on Oct 8, 2004 - 16 comments

what bush and kerry did in the vietnam years

i am so tired of reading about bush and kerry and what they did and didn't do during the vietnam years ... could we please just give it a break? ... this is nothing but monotonous drum beating ...

(no link ... there's plenty on the front page)
posted by pyramid termite on Sep 8, 2004 - 33 comments

The Return of I/P Filter!

The Return of I/P Filter! And the main link is just a CNN.com story. Can we say Newsfilter? The poster doesn't even try to be objective, rattling on about his "opinion" on (yawn) Bush. And...
posted by Stan Chin on Jun 4, 2003 - 41 comments

Nothing happened; News at 11

Reporting the absence of news? Isn't that what this thread's doing?

Plus, the searches linked in the FPP are unlikely to bear any fruit, given that they're hyper-specific (within quotation marks) and not grammatically correct unless you speak headline-ese.
posted by Vidiot on Jan 1, 2003 - 11 comments

No more PR I/P threads!

is it possible that postroad could maybe not post a palestine thread once every couple of days or so? i realize that the odd controversial topic not directly related to israel and palestine is occasionally thrown in, but really.
posted by moz on Jun 11, 2002 - 16 comments

The demise of Mefi

Metafilter is making me sad. (more)
posted by solistrato on Aug 30, 2001 - 78 comments

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