8 posts tagged with newsletter.
Displaying 1 through 8 of 8. Subscribe:

Newsletter 6: Happy belated Valentine's Day!

There's a new newsletter, and it's in your inboxes! Wanna subscribe or read it?
posted by Pronoiac on Feb 24, 2022 - 6 comments

Newsletter 5: Farewell to 2021

Newsletter 5 is in your inboxes! (subscribe here) You can visit it on the web at the archive link here. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Dec 23, 2021 - 2 comments

Newsletter 4: Secrets

Newsletter 4 is up in your inboxes! (subscribe here!) You can visit it on the web at the archive link here. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Dec 2, 2021 - 5 comments

Newsletter 3: The Handovering

Newsletter 3 is, after some delay, in your inboxes! (subscribe here!) You can visit it on the web at the archive link here. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Nov 14, 2021 - 12 comments

Call Me By My Name: Mefi Newsletter 2, the Denominated

Okay, friends, cross your fingers and hold onto your butts, because I just pressed "send" on the second issue of the Metafilter newsletter (subscribe here!), and we'll soon see what surprises tinyletter might have in store for us this iteration... [more inside]
posted by taz on Aug 17, 2021 - 31 comments

Hey, it's a MetaFilter newsletter!

Something new we're trying out: a MetaFilter email newsletter. I want to share the first issue with y'all, to discuss and brainstorm about. For the moment, we're calling it...Untitled MetaFilter Newsletter. You can subscribe here. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Aug 3, 2021 - 88 comments

Pony Idea: MeFi Announcement Newsletter?

The talk in the grey about making significant information visibility changes to user profiles (which I am in favor of) and how best to communicate the new setup got me thinking about the ways in which new features/changes get shared with site users. I am a regular user, and I often won't see sidebar announcements. I'm wondering whether there might be some space for a MeFi users newsletter to handle things like new site features, new podcast notifications, maybe even top posts. This might fall into the category of 'more work than benefit' at this point. I know there are some services (like TinyLetter) that make simple newsletters pretty quick to send out. If it would help, I would be happy to volunteer my time for copy writing.
posted by softlord on Jan 19, 2016 - 72 comments

AskMetaFilter gets a Shout Out

Now I Know is a free daily newsletter of incredible things; you’ll learn something new every day! The author, Dan Lewis, links this informative comment by designmartini on how to find an apartment in New York city.
posted by JujuB on Sep 26, 2013 - 14 comments

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