35 posts tagged with newyorktimes.
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Mathowie FTW!
I've seen mathowie pop up in lots of places before, but this one takes the cake.
Certainly I'm not the only one who would find this pony useful
I would like to have something like (SLNYT) automatically inserted after SLNYT embedded links the way the the indicator is inserted for Youtube links. Sometimes posters do this themselves, often they don't. I realize that there is a preview window, but it would be nice to have something a little more conspicuous right next to the link. I only have access to a few NYT articles per month, and I want to use them as judiciously as possible. What do others think? Thanks for considering this!
Do you skip NYT links?
I just realized that I haven't read a NYT article in months because of their increasingly annoying paywall. I know that the paywall can be circumvented but I just don't bother anymore despite seeing lots of interesting links to NYT here on Mefi. How common is this around here (skipping NYT links)? Should NYT links be avoided?
An AskMetaFilter Question Thrice Cited Over Potential BS in the NYT
So I'm reading Inside Higher Ed, this morning, as I'm wont to do, and I come across this article about a New York Times Magazine essay that seemed like BS to the IHE author. The reasons he questions the veracity of the events described are: this AskMe question, this blog piece also citing the AskMe question, and this Washington Post humor column also citing said AskMe question. It was odd to see AskMetaFilter three times before lunch. Congratulations, Junior Detectives, you may have caught a aviation bloviator.
The Times is tightening the rules.
Earlier this year there was a discussion of links to the NYT in which the fact that links from Metafilter were exempted from the paywall was given as a reason not to treat these links specially.
Such links are no longer exempted. Can we please start treating these as we do links to any other subscription-only source?
Another Buck For Sulzberger
The bottom link in this FPP leads to a New York Times article but is not identified as such. Clicking this link may possibly be counted as one of my 20 free articles per month. Should MetaFilter be identifying all NYT links?
Times Are Changing
Frequent (some say too frequent) MetaFilter source The New York Times is going to initiate a PayWall in the next month (according to a freely available article from the Wall Street Journal - extra points for irony). So how will this change from the Grey Lady effect the Blue? [more inside]
Any chance yesterdays NYT crossword could've been a nod to the Metafilter "." obit tradition?
Any chance yesterdays NYT crossword could've been a nod to the Metafilter "." obit tradition? [puzzle spoilers within] [more inside]
They should get some props for scooping the Planet
Hmm, I can't quite believe I'm the first person to link to this, but the New York Times has a fun little tongue-in-cheek piece about Law and the Multiverse (previously).
I feel so cosmopolitan all the sudden.
"The experience of moving online actually bears quite a few similarities to becoming a New Yorker. Disorienting and seemingly endless, the Internet conversation moves at lightning speed and according to unstated social rules that can bewilder outsiders. Also, like New Yorkers, residents of the Internet do not suffer fools, or mince words in belittling them, as anyone who has contributed a redundant post to Metafilter, or an earnest comment to Gawker, can attest." Bright Lights, Big Internet by Bill Wasik.
The New York TimesemiT kroY weN ehT
The pictures in this feature were removed after questions were raised about whether they had been digitally altered. [more inside]
Jenny Diski wastes acres of time online!
The Grey Lady on The Blue
The Grey Lady on The Blue
Now the The New York Times subscriber wall has come tumbling down, I though it might be interesting to see what she's had to say about us over the years. [more inside]
A Hipper Crowd of Shushers featuring one JW. NYT - registration required
Jessamyn in the NY Times
Woo woo! Jessamyn is in the NYTimes.
Jessamyn West, 38, an editor of “Revolting Librarians Redux: Radical Librarians Speak Out” a book that promotes social responsibility in librarianship, and the librarian behind the Web site librarian.net (its tagline is “putting the rarin’ back in librarian since 1999”) agreed that many new librarians are attracted to what they call the “Library 2.0” phenomenon. “It’s become a techie profession,” she said.
In a typical day, Ms. West might send instant and e-mail messages to patrons, many of who do their research online rather than in the library. She might also check Twitter, MySpace and other social networking sites, post to her various blogs and keep current through MetaFilter and RSS feeds. Some librarians also create Wikis or podcasts.
A Hipper Crowd of Shushers
Jessamyn West, 38, an editor of “Revolting Librarians Redux: Radical Librarians Speak Out” a book that promotes social responsibility in librarianship, and the librarian behind the Web site librarian.net (its tagline is “putting the rarin’ back in librarian since 1999”) agreed that many new librarians are attracted to what they call the “Library 2.0” phenomenon. “It’s become a techie profession,” she said.
In a typical day, Ms. West might send instant and e-mail messages to patrons, many of who do their research online rather than in the library. She might also check Twitter, MySpace and other social networking sites, post to her various blogs and keep current through MetaFilter and RSS feeds. Some librarians also create Wikis or podcasts.
A Hipper Crowd of Shushers
The NYTimes Covers MeFi post on Seth Godin
User in the New York Times
Metafilter and Metachat's own matildaben makes an appearance in today's New York Times technology section! (The article is about Flickr and geotagging, and even includes pic of matildaben in photog mode. (Article is on page C9 in the print edition.)
The NYT quotes from Askme
NYT Viswanathan article mentions MeFi
MetaFilter cited in New York Times' article about Kaavya Viswanathan.
User Mentioned in NYT
Metafilter member Hoder, or as Laura Rozen puts it, the Iranian blog godfather, has an op-ed in the New York Times today: Democracy's Double Standard. Let's hear it for Hoder.
New York Times mention in article on Abramoff scandal
Metafilter mention and a quote from Matt in today's NYT article about comments at blogs in the wake of the Washington Post/Abramoff/comments episode.
A Times article that distorts the findings of a weak study
Bad post.
A Times article that distorts the findings of a weak study should not a FPP make.
Would you like to say something about the topic of secular versus religious society? How about with links to actual studies, or news articles, to suppliment your crap post?
This is just so much more thin soup on the front page. I am not calling for deletion, but rather social censure (and some has occured within the thread).
(I also don't like this or this. I do like this, this, and this. Newsfilter can be done well. It should be done well.)
A Times article that distorts the findings of a weak study should not a FPP make.
Would you like to say something about the topic of secular versus religious society? How about with links to actual studies, or news articles, to suppliment your crap post?
This is just so much more thin soup on the front page. I am not calling for deletion, but rather social censure (and some has occured within the thread).
(I also don't like this or this. I do like this, this, and this. Newsfilter can be done well. It should be done well.)
Mathowie in New York Times
Matthew Haughey, technology journalist (NYT, registration req.)
Comment Deletion
I am not a fan of "why did you delete my comment"? posts, but, er, feel compelled to ask... Why delete the three comments in the NYT thread which linked to other online papers? Maybe they should have been more verbose, but I think the point they were making is clear - there's a whole variety of fish in that online paper sea, why get so het up about the NYT?
One link articles from popular periodicals
The NYT has given MeFi partial credit for popularizing Pac-Mondrian.
Tired of links to the NY Times on Metafilter? Then perhaps you'll enjoy this Gray Lady link to Metafilter here on the gray. They've given MeFi partial credit for popularizing Pac-Mondrian (even though ifjuly's link only got six comments.) [via Slashdot Games.]
Behold: New York Times Link Generator.
Behold: New York Times Link Generator. Paste your NYT URL and voila!
A link to the article of your choice which won't evaporate after two weeks.
Via Calpundit.
A link to the article of your choice which won't evaporate after two weeks.
Via Calpundit.
Our group Web log gets a mention in the NYT.
Our group Web log gets a mention in the NYT.
MeFi in NYT
MeFi gets a brief (inaccurate) mention in the Times article the (not so) secret diary of a blogger today. "Any of the 171,151 members can nominate a link, but only those voted good enough by the others make it to the front page". Still, at least the author of the piece got his own weblog as part of the research.
it might be good policy
Once again, I found myself trying to follow a link to the New York Times with a username and password I'd forgotten. I wondered if it might be good policy for people to post news.google.com searches to these links instead. For example, the recent link ...
An astonishing bequest could easily have been written out as An astonishing bequest, and would not require people to log in.
An astonishing bequest could easily have been written out as An astonishing bequest, and would not require people to log in.
NY TimesFilter?
NY TimesFilter? Is it just me or are we getting way too many single link NY Times editorial posts? [and other papers too - the Times is just more obvious to me]
NYT Guidelines
If you're posting an NYTimes link, can you please try to follow this guideline:
I put the HTML code on the inside.
Another tough day for Wall Street (auto). Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetaur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
I put the HTML code on the inside.
Chapter One of Lessig's The Future of Ideas is online
From an NYTimes review [login: metafi/metafi] of Lawrence Lessig's The Future of Ideas:
To casual Web surfers, it may hardly feel that the Internet has been trapped in an intellectual vise grip. ... Mind-expanding novelties -- like ''bloggers,'' which allow users to create instant public online diaries -- spring to life every other week.
To casual Web surfers, it may hardly feel that the Internet has been trapped in an intellectual vise grip. ... Mind-expanding novelties -- like ''bloggers,'' which allow users to create instant public online diaries -- spring to life every other week.
Matt's in the news
Rock-star Matt Haughey is in the news again (with gratuitous photo). This time, in a New York Times article on the Amazon honor system (penned by Ironminds' Andy Wang).
New York Times redirects
Suggestion: make nytimes.com links magical things that point to channel.nytimes.com links.