2 posts tagged with nyt by mattpfeff.
Displaying 1 through 2 of 2.
Online personality tests in NYT
The New York Times' Online Diary (scroll down to "I'm Paul!"): Online personality tests are a long-running Web "meme," or viral idea. No mention of MeFi, or how agonizing tests are, or ways to cure people's obsession with the danged things, but you can't have everything, I guess. [Login: metafi/metafi; pony not included.]
Chapter One of Lessig's The Future of Ideas is online
From an NYTimes review [login: metafi/metafi] of Lawrence Lessig's The Future of Ideas:
To casual Web surfers, it may hardly feel that the Internet has been trapped in an intellectual vise grip. ... Mind-expanding novelties -- like ''bloggers,'' which allow users to create instant public online diaries -- spring to life every other week.
To casual Web surfers, it may hardly feel that the Internet has been trapped in an intellectual vise grip. ... Mind-expanding novelties -- like ''bloggers,'' which allow users to create instant public online diaries -- spring to life every other week.