11 posts tagged with obitfilter.
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RIP Elizabeth Edwards

This is where we discuss the Elizabeth Edwards obit thread. We've done this a few times before, I think.
posted by Avenger50 on Dec 7, 2010 - 130 comments

Haig? Haig? Haig?

No Alexander Haig obitfilter? Really? [more inside]
posted by scblackman on Feb 20, 2010 - 30 comments

Everything dies.

I've been doggedly procrastinating on my actual tasks this morning. A big part of that procrastination has involved counting the obit filters on the blue for the past year. [more inside]
posted by cavalier on Jan 16, 2009 - 27 comments

Not About Tim Russert

Perennial Obit Thread Discussion [more inside]
posted by Navelgazer on Jun 13, 2008 - 102 comments

Metafilter Self-Exam

As I stopped in here trying to catch up on threads, it was hard not to notice that LandedGentry's original post about Kurt Vonnegut's death had about 600 entries. (Will the more anal among us please count the periods?) davidmsc threw in his dime early on, and it was both counter to the general opinion and given in a very flippant manner. That SINGLE comment generated nearly three hundred other comments on the brown. Now I ask you all. Does this make any sense for the long term best interests of metafilter?
posted by Penny Wise on Apr 13, 2007 - 54 comments

Where is the Vassilis Fotopoulos post?

Where is the Vassilis Fotopoulos post? There are currently four obits on front page; maybe we could just have a permanent link to the wikipedia page instead?
posted by meech on Jan 14, 2007 - 77 comments

There's been an awful lot of Obits lately.

I don't mean to be insensitive, but can can we give ObituaryFilter a rest?
posted by icosahedral on Nov 17, 2006 - 91 comments

accepting bets on next celebrity death on front page

Allright, place your bets for the next celebrity death on the front page for today. Third try's a charm, Mr. President.
posted by Keyser Soze on Sep 12, 2003 - 23 comments

behavior in obitfilter

Lots and lots of people have died, even musicians and oceanographers. It's been happening for a long time, and for many different reasons. People have different ways of dealing with/commemorating a death, if they care at all. Sometimes they throw a party. So don't get all pissed when I'm in the back row, giggling at the all-too-public funeral
posted by Su on Apr 26, 2002 - 31 comments

Metafilter in The Guardian: "She's Dead! Yes!"

"Meanwhile the internet, as always, provided a sceptical alternative to the reverent coverage of the Queen Mother's death. Too sceptical for some, actually: Americans were among those revolted by certain threads on our own Guardian Unlimited website, where conversations began "Queen Mum Snuffs It" and "She's Dead! Yes!" Over at Metafilter one reader commented acidly: 'You have to be pretty sick to get off on the death of a 101-year old woman. But then, they are Guardian readers...' Oooh get you!"

Metafilter mentioned again in today's 'Web Life' section of 'The Guardian' [more inside]
posted by feelinglistless on Apr 6, 2002 - 22 comments

Are these threads really right for MetaFilter?

Is this really the venue for moments of silence and lists of condolences? Especially when posters order 'do not comment here'? We saw how well it worked in the case of the first thread.
posted by darukaru on Sep 12, 2001 - 17 comments

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