3 posts tagged with offsite.
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Keeping Offsite Offsite

Metafilter as a general policy does not consider offsite behavior from the moderator perspective unless it is something ridiculously egregious. If you want to talk trash on a user here over on Reddit, more power to you. I think that's kind of jerky if you make a habit out of it, but whatever. People need an outlet. This is not in general a bad policy at all. I like that I can be more free wheeling with my commentary elsewhere without it potentially souring my relationship with this community. So in general, there is a firewall between offsite and onsite behavior and the potential for mod involvement. We've had debates about to what degree that should be the case in the past, but I think the consensus has been pretty clear that this is the right way to go so I don't really want to re-fight that battle. [more inside]
posted by Drinky Die on Mar 12, 2015 - 150 comments

Le index est mort

After many years of service, jaden is no longer be maintaining his wonderful Mefi Contribution index. Results will now be frozen at mid-August. Thanks for running it for as long as you did, jaden!
posted by zarq on Sep 8, 2013 - 71 comments

Can we please keep our flames restricted to this site?

Can we please keep our flames restricted to this site? A certain someone felt that the proper response to a disagreement here would be to post on my personal site that I should, "Stop posting to Metafilter, you dumb piece of shit." I don't think that is good etiquette.
posted by furiousxgeorge on Jul 21, 2005 - 46 comments

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