12 posts tagged with participation.
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It's not every day you get to help launch a time machine.

Look, I know G+ is a dead zone socially for a lot of people, but you can help change that! Come argue with me about what to do next over on shakespeherian's page there, where he's just started a brand new Choose Your Own Adventure By Committee. And it's about time travel!!! [more inside]
posted by carsonb on Oct 29, 2012 - 50 comments


WriteThinkLearn, a PDF for anyone having difficulty participating in MeFi and AskMe. [more inside]
posted by five fresh fish on Jan 13, 2008 - 86 comments

How much participation is enough?

I'm trying to participate... [more inside]
posted by Fferret on Nov 7, 2007 - 121 comments

Hey new user! Ask Metafilter is part of a larger site, with history and community!

With AskMe getting lots of press (as in here) as a unit seperate from Metafilter (meaning, blue, grey, white, mauve, etc.), there should really be a message on ask letting the droves of new users know that it is a part of a larger community, with other features, a resource for post discussion and discourse, and a user base not completely dedicated to the green. People who enter through Angel Island should know New York exists. /metaphor)
posted by potch on Jun 13, 2007 - 32 comments

MeFi interferring with real life?

How many of you (if any) have had issues with MeFi interferring with real life? I use a pseudonym because way back in the dark ages of BBS's, I regularly indulged in flamewars and I ended up getting prankcalls at all hours and such. Now, I try not to get sucked into flamewars, but I have a feeling I'm still kind of a dick online, so I hang on to a pseudonym. How about you?
posted by keswick on Nov 15, 2004 - 54 comments

How to determine Metafilter Contribution Quotient

I just wrote Dan Hersham asking this: Do you suppose there could be a way to determine Metafilter Contribution by word count? Could that be automated? Is this within the realm of possibility? How about by links in posts and comments, length per capita per person? And have you ever considered that MetaFilter is a gift culture , as is the so-called Hacker culture, where participants compete for prestige by giving time, energy, and creativity away in antagonistic cooperation, such as it is? Just wonderin'...
posted by y2karl on Mar 16, 2003 - 45 comments

Request to bring complaints about MeFi posts to Metatalk

God damnit! PEOPLE! Either participate in the posted thread as it is given, or IGNORE it. If you really have a problem with it, take it to MetaTalk and ask Matt to consider deleting it.

[whiny baby voice] "This is so tangentical..." This shouldn't be on a community blog it should be somewhere else.. blah blah blah!

Jesus Christ!
posted by ZachsMind on Aug 29, 2002 - 121 comments

so, um, if you don't like metafilter, don't participate.

so, um, if you don't like metafilter, don't participate.
posted by moz on May 6, 2002 - 35 comments

How I Learned to Participate and Love the Web

Why I love Metafilter, or, How I Learned to Participate and Love the Web.
posted by o2b on Sep 26, 2001 - 6 comments

Personal attacks reducing contributions

I just wanted to point out that I just finished writing a pretty thoughtful message in response to some of the comments in this thread, but decided, before I hit submit, that I really didn't feel up to the onslaught of personal attacks that I'd have to endure because of my opinion. So I pressed the backpage button instead.

Not that it matters, really. Maybe I'm just being thin-skinned. Some might say that if I felt strongly enough about my opinion, I'd be able to suffer the slings and arrows of the opposition. I dunno. In fact, I don't know if I even feel up to the kind of response this message is going to get.

But how many other MeFi users are doing the same as me? How many have just given up completely? This is how the blow-hards and the flame-warriors take over.
posted by crunchland on May 18, 2001 - 16 comments

If you don't like it, don't eat it.

IRL, if you're not interested in a conversation happening between two people, you don't particiapte. Why does this stuff happen so much. It seems to me, if you don't like a thread, don't click the link, don't comment on it. It seems like it should be a simple thing to do.
posted by TuxHeDoh on Jan 29, 2001 - 18 comments

highly consistent in my 2 comment:1 link ratio

I want to feel more meta, but I seem to be highly consistent in my 2 comment:1 link ratio. CrazyUncleJoe clearly has me beaten on that front, but is that really a measure of metatude? More than likely, it's my lack of lists of lists of lists of links to other places.
posted by plinth on Mar 23, 2000 - 1 comment

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