7 posts tagged with planning.
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Megathread.org? r/megathread? megathread.dreamwidth.com?

The megathreads have been decommissioned, and many members of the subcommunity that has grown up around them have expressed that the return to normal Metafilter-style threads for political discussions will not fill the same role that the megathreads did. Let's discuss our options for finding a new space for this subcommunity to continue. [more inside]
posted by biogeo on Jul 25, 2019 - 180 comments

2015 secret quonsar: sign ups are open!

It's secret quonsar time again! Participants will find out who they have drawn on Thursday, November 12, and the gift send by (or on) date is Tuesday, December 1*. Please sign up by 11:59 PM EST on Tuesday, November 10. The spending guideline: $10-20. [more inside]
posted by julen on Oct 31, 2015 - 323 comments

Planning for secret quonsar: 2015 edition

If it's October, it's time to plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange (Read About it on the Wiki). Let's talk details! [more inside]
posted by julen on Oct 14, 2015 - 153 comments

secret quonsar: planning time!

Presents are fun... so let's plan for this year's secret quonsar swap! The secret quonsar swap is - for the uninitiated - our holiday-adjacent wintery gift exchange. Read About it on the Wiki. We need to settle one key question before we start to swapping. [more inside]
posted by julen on Oct 9, 2014 - 115 comments

Help with a new site

We need your help on a new events site (sorta gigfilter + meetups + etc)! [more inside]
posted by mathowie on May 18, 2010 - 241 comments

Society for the Prevention of Unnecessarily Inefficient Meetup Planning

Doodle, an easy little tool for picking future meetup dates. [more inside]
posted by daisyace on Nov 18, 2008 - 28 comments

Ontario & Quebec MeFite Meetup Mailing List

I've taken the liberty of setting up a mailing list for MetaFilter members in Ontario and Quebec, in the hope that it will help us get our act together and organize a MeFi get-together, whether it's in Montreal, Ottawa or Toronto (see previous attempts here and here). Or whatever else suits us.
posted by mcwetboy on Nov 24, 2002 - 2 comments

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