9 posts tagged with playlists.
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Spotify playlist sharing as a potential feature of Mefi Music

This recent AskMe, the sad demise of This Is My Jam, and some recent music posts on the Blue have got me thinking. How feasible is it to set up some kind of venue for members to share music playlists independent of the Mefi Swap? I'm thinking Spotify playlists in particular, and wondering if there's any scope for adding this as an additional feature to Mefi Music. [more inside]
posted by Sonny Jim on Aug 11, 2015 - 28 comments

Magical musical singing ponycorn

Hey, how about some way to re-order the songs in playlists on MeFi Music? [more inside]
posted by speicus on Aug 5, 2012 - 10 comments

Metafilter Music Playlists

User Music playlists. Does anyone actually look at or keep track of anyone's playlist but their own? On a regular basis? And if so, whose playlists do you recommend taking a look at (your own playlist does not count)?
posted by Effigy2000 on Jul 8, 2009 - 10 comments

podcast_downloading_simplified MP3 XML Music

MuFeature request: simplifying mp3 playlist/XML downloading. Tips? [more inside]
posted by acro on Dec 8, 2007 - 5 comments

MeFi Music favourites/add

At MeFiMusic, adding individual songs from other users' playlists to ones' own, or otherwise favoriting tracks looks time consuming. How about 2.0/itunes/etc style 'starring' beside the trackname to add a filter-layer for favourite/playlisting?
posted by acro on Apr 20, 2007 - 16 comments

Favorite MeFi Music playlists?

What user-created playlists do you follow on MeFi Music? My playlist is just a dumping ground for anything that I've liked, but I figure that someone has to have made more specific ones (e.g., favorite singer-songwriter tunes, great jazz vocalists, best love songs, etc.).
posted by danb on Feb 23, 2007 - 5 comments

Pandora Playlist TradeFilter

As per Afroblanco's request, let's trade some Pandora playlists. Link (With brief description of what it is) would be a good format, I think. Here's mine (Underground hip-hop, quality lyric based, mostly extreme East and West coast based. Started from West Coast Lyrics Born and East Coast Mr. Lif)
posted by rollbiz on Feb 15, 2007 - 9 comments

MefiMusic play-list pony

What it be possible for MeFi Music to auto-generate its own play-lists? It'd be really nice to be able to listen to (i) the tracks uploaded on a given day or (ii) every track that's been uploaded; without having to put the hard work in.
posted by nthdegx on Jul 13, 2006 - 1 comment

Music feature request for favorites for playlists

Mefi Music request: I want to be able to fave! (or otherwise link to my profile) playlists created by other people. (to podcasting, I say bah! humbug)
posted by muddgirl on Jul 9, 2006 - 15 comments

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