8 posts tagged with podcast and anniversary.
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“I mean, old school web people definitely have opinions...”
From the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst: “MetaFilter turns 25 this month, a shining beacon of the Good Web. Reluctant owner Jessamyn West tells us how rusty tech and vibrant community keeps it vital.” [Elsewhere: MetaFilter: a time capsule from another internet]
Best of the Web anniversaries and transcripts
1. The first podcast episode was posted on February 16, 2007! Happy 16th anniversary / birthday to the podcast!
2. I just finished running the last / first episode through otter.ai for an automated transcript, so *every* episode now has a transcript! So. Many. Transcripts.
3. I joined two days after that first episode!
Just, you know. Woot!
64: Unsticking a dead mouse
Podcast episode 64 features Josh and Jeremy talking over the last month of things on the site while I've been off on vacation. Enjoy! [more inside]
59: The Most Illegal Thing I've Seen in the History of Wrestling
Four Years Running! This episode runs about an hour and 20 min long and covers everything from the first of the year until Wednesday the 23rd when we recorded it. [more inside]
43: 10th Party Memories
Exactly what it says on the tin, memories of the 10th parties. [more inside]
Call into the podcst
Please call into what will become our next podcast: Tenth Party Remembrances. Dial up +1 (503) 465-4522 and leave a message up to three minutes in length. Let us know your favorite memory from last weekend's parties around the globe, or your favorite memory from MetaFilter over the past ten years. We'll take the best and edit them into our next podcast to share with everyone. Thanks!
41: Yet another mention of Diplomacy
The 41st podcast was recorded on Monday, May 18th and runs about an hour. It covers the past month of activities on and off the site. [more inside]
39: Tenth Anniversary Plans
Right out of the gate we talk about our ideas for the tenth anniversary party coming up in July, then follow it up with the best bits from the month of March. It was recorded on the 23th of March and runs just over an hour. [more inside]