28 posts tagged with popular and favorites.
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Most/Least Active Tab?
We have a tab to sort Popular Posts, based on favorites. I would find use in a Most & Least Active tab (each side of that for different reasons), based on number of comments.
Redundancies in navigation
There are currently some links on the front page menus that seem a bit redundant. [more inside]
Even better than an advice column binge: how to search for most favorited/commented AskMes in a particular category
Is there a way to look at popular AskMe questions in a particular category, either in the recent past or over time? The infodumpster almost does this, but not quite. [more inside]
Define "Interesting."
Pony Request: Additional Posts and Comments on the "Popular" page. [more inside]
Popular Favorites Usability
I love the Popular Favorites page but maybe it could use a little work? It seems like it would be easier for people to follow if the trucated comments had a [Read More] link. Also, the titles of the posts on the left don't look like links, they are the same color as the text, maybe a [Read] link or color change or something there too? [more inside]
Like high school but more prolix.
Is the Popular Favorites stuff determined on the fly, or do the posts and comments get an invisible tag stating that they've made it to the page? [more inside]
How can I access popular comments on the non-mobile interface?
How can I access popular comments on the non-mobile interface?
Why are Popular Favorites scrambled?
I don't usually have time to read all of the questions on AskMeFi, so I rely on the Popular Favorites (24 hours) tab to screen the submitted questions for those found most interesting by other MeFites. The problem is that because of the way they are sorted I sometimes miss some.
Would it be possible to sort them chronologically by the time and date of submission, the most recent being at the top of the list? That way I could scroll down the list until I get to the question I remember from my last browsing session. What do others think? Thanks!
Would it be possible to sort them chronologically by the time and date of submission, the most recent being at the top of the list? That way I could scroll down the list until I get to the question I remember from my last browsing session. What do others think? Thanks!
Double Vision
I'm seeing double in the Popular Favorites. [more inside]
I can't tI want to favorite other people's favorites.
I would like to be able to favorite posts from this page, this one, and that one. That's pretty much it. [more inside]
Popular Time Machine Pony
Can I have a pony that shows me the most popular / favorited AskMe questions by a specific day, week, month, or tag. If I could, I would ride that pony like I stole it.
Favorite Posts in the Last Year?
Can it be added to see: "Most Favorited Posts in the Past 365 days"? [more inside]
Most favorited comments?
We have a most favorites. Can we get a most favorited comments on the green, or am I just missing it?
left angle-bracket i right angle-bracket Popular Favorites left angle-bracket forward slash i right angle-bracket
Pony Request: Could we preserve italics in the 'popular favorites' excerpts for comments? [more inside]
Comment linkability at MeFiMu?
Pony request: Envisioning a golden, glowing future in which any number of other (that is to say, non-dick punching) songs at MeFi Music get the kind of comment action that "the most Favorited track of ALL TIME!" has gotten, I'd like to see individual comment linkability in MeFiMu threads. Like the blue and the other subsites have. Might this be possible?
More favorited posts, more awesomeness
Somewhat selfish pony request: Could we add a "more results" or "next" button to the All Time Popular Favorites tab, allowing people to scroll through a larger list? [more inside]
The foods on my plate canNOT touch one another.
MOST POPULAR PONY!! I want more functionality for sorting and filtering through the Popular Favorites. I'd like to have a box that allows me to choose: "Most Popular [posts, comments] on [Green, Blue, Black, Grey,...] in the past [n] days." (e.g. so that I could see all the popular AskMe posts side by side, over a longer timeframe, and without them being mixed in with the FPP's; or so that I could view the most listened to tracks on MeMu; or, or, or.)
Popular favorites results expansion
Popular favorites (of all-time) is, well, one of my favorites. Is there a way to see even more posts that were favorited than are returned to the single result page?
Just like Galinda's big song in "Wicked"
Popular is borked.
Ask.me popular favorites
It's nice that we have popular favorites for ask.me for the last 7 days and the last thirty days, but can we get all time favorites as well? (also links to the 7 days and 30 days on the popular questions page.)
Ooh, I'm so excited! My very first pedantic MetaTalk post! The text of the link on the user favorites page says "You can also view a list of the most popular in the last 24 hours," but the actual Popular Favorites page lists the "most favorited posts in the past 7 days." Do I get a prize?!?
My Favorite Pony
On the blue, it's a tad odd that "Popular" and "Popular Favorites" are different. I suggest they be combined into a single page which has both FPPs and comments, and also has the (7 days, 30 days, all time) option from the second link.
0 users marked this as a favorite
When I click on 'popular favorites', the number of favorites for each post is consistently wrong. I think the number I see corresponds with how many favorites the post had when I last clicked it.
This question feels familiar to me - I think this has been discussed here before - but as I mentioned earlier, I have a difficult time searching for stuff here.
If you want to point me to a previous discussion on this, feel free. Thanks.
Why Recent Favorites Activity?
Is this an Ask Mefi Popular Favorites bug? I pulled up the page this morning and this creepy thread was nestled right under a bunch of threads from 1/26 and 1/25, with a bunch more from 1/25 following it. Is it because a few people recently favorite-d it (it says 5 favorites on the main pop page), and if so, how did they all find it just now? Were a bunch of people recently searching for the answer to this question on Ask MeFi? (shudder)
now the entire popular favorite page is backwards
Ok, so now the entire popular favorite page is backwards. Somebody delete that backwards day post, and all the comments with it. Its a great post but it's messing everything up!
Popular Favorites Time Spans
So, we have a 'Popular Favourites' feature, and I love it. However, it's limited to the last 24 hours. Is there any chance of expanding that period of time?
Request for RSS feed for Popular Favorites.
I love the new tabbed layout, but is it possible to get an RSS feed only for the "Popular Favorites" tab on MeFi and on Ask MeFi ?
Request: more ways to display popular favorites.
Low priority feature request: A "Favorites Hall of Fame", including things like Most favorited comments by week/month/year, Most favorited posts by week/month/year, all split between Mefi/MeTa/Axe, and even a list of users who have had the most personal contributions marked as favorites by others.