8 posts tagged with prison.
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Hoder has been released from Iranian prison

Mefi's own Hoder has finally been released from prison. Hoder (Hossein Derakhshan) had been sentenced to 19 years on "cyber-dissidence" charges after his Persian-language blogging software became a popular tool for critiquing the government.
posted by sevenyearlurk on Nov 20, 2014 - 165 comments

Habeas factus

This post ought not to have been deleted. The reason given: "This post was deleted for the following reason: Seems like an interesting and pretty fucked-up case, but most of the links here seem like they're kind of filler material and if the meat of the post is essentially "read this legal PDF" it might need to be presented a lot more in those terms, or with some good long-form journalism or analysis. Otherwise we've just got folks arguing about rape charges yet again. -- cortex" [more inside]
posted by anigbrowl on May 24, 2012 - 203 comments

No Child Left politically unmanipulated

I unintentionally derailed a really good thread about involving inmates in arts programs to combat recidivism by talking about how resistance to inmate programs is partially fueled by community frustration with collapsing opportunities for art in schools. The flash phrase was No Child Left Behind. So, can we bring the NCLB rage here and get back to talking about art in prisons there?
posted by toodleydoodley on Jan 23, 2010 - 17 comments

This is a callout

uncanny hengeman... [more inside]
posted by ryanrs on Oct 14, 2009 - 11 comments

Asking for a friend!

Are you in prison? [more inside]
posted by grobstein on Jul 22, 2009 - 3 comments

Prison Rape

Another goddamn prison rape thread. [more inside]
posted by Optimus Chyme on Feb 10, 2009 - 148 comments

This thread is useless without images... of your new tattoos

What's up with the recent bump in prison-related questions on AskMe? [more inside]
posted by mkultra on Oct 31, 2008 - 61 comments

Tired of the prison rape discussion

The next time someone posts with glee about a criminal being subjected to violent penile colonization, turning the discussion immediately into a referendum on the subject of prison rape (#1 #2), I hope that person has to spend quality pound-in-the-ass time in MetaTalk as rodii's bitch.
posted by rcade on May 23, 2002 - 44 comments

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