6 posts tagged with prize.
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Congratulations, digaman!

MeFi's own Steve Silberman (aka digaman) has won this year’s Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction, the first time in his 17-year history that the award has gone to a popular science book. (Previously, on the Blue.)
posted by GrammarMoses on Nov 3, 2015 - 56 comments

And my winners are ......

Inspired by Eyebrows McGee's post Strange Fruit, I decided to offer a $50 prize in the best of December contest.
On reflection after I finally got my broadband back I decided that I could do a bit better than that as I liked several posts very much.
Please would the following mefites memail me with a valid email adress to get a $20 Amazon gift card. You may do what you like with it but it would please me if you purchased a book(s) either electronic or traditional.
dhruva - The true history of the Paisley design
quiet earth - (Canine) Guardians of the Corpse Ways
Pirate-Bartender-Zombie-Monkey - No Gloves, No Rounds, Plenty of Blood
nebulawindphone - Find eyes within, look for the door into the unknown country
and Eyebrows McGee for the inspiration.
Thanks everyone for another great month of posts.
posted by adamvasco on Feb 1, 2015 - 17 comments

Contents Under (not enough) Pressure

GNFTI, you complete MONSTER. How could you. I trusted you. [more inside]
posted by Rhaomi on Feb 24, 2014 - 61 comments

A wild meffy appears!

Metafilter Project Favimon has won Mozilla Labs Gaming prize for Most Original Game! Matthew Hollett, attractive web programmer who is fun at parties, gives Metafilter a nice shout out in his guest Mozilla Labs blog entry as well.
posted by boo_radley on Mar 10, 2011 - 41 comments

...almost TWO Hugos, in fact

Congratulations to jscalzi on his Hugo.
posted by Artw on Aug 10, 2008 - 97 comments

Is it acceptable to offer an incentive for a successful answer in AskMe?

Is it considered in bad taste or a breach of policy to offer a prize or reward to whomever successfully solves a tech problem I'm tempted to post in askme? I've tried various customer support avenues and have had no luck so far.

If it is acceptable, what sort of incentive would be appropriate? Money strikes even me in poor taste. Any ideas, or should I just scrap the reward avenue?
posted by sourwookie on Jun 20, 2006 - 32 comments

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