8 posts tagged with programming.
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Open sourcing the metafilter code base

It’s been a little over ten years since the subject was last raised (at least based on a search for “open source”), but I’m curious if there’s been any thoughts about open-sourcing the MetaFilter codebase or admin tools. (I imagine the answer is “no”, especially to that last one.)
posted by Going To Maine on Jan 26, 2017 - 21 comments

An SEO expert walks into a bar, pub, liquor store, brewery, alcohol

Once I was reading this comment on MetaFilter, and it made me do the stupidest Butthead laugh, and then my housemate started laughing at my laugh, and then I started laughing at the stupidity of my own laugh, and then I read her the comment and we laughed even more. It was great. I'm pretty sure it was a brilliantly lame programming-related pun. I forgot to favourite it. If you know of any brilliantly lame programming-related puns that have been made on the site, could you link them here for me to see? I think this one was from the blue and also maybe from 2015 as well, but I'm not 100% sure. I think it was original too, I haven't seen it in any lists of programming jokes since.
posted by Panthalassa on Dec 16, 2016 - 14 comments

MetaFilter naming culture and conventions

This post got me thinking about Metafilter and screen names: why is MeFi unlike other websites? [more inside]
posted by the man of twists and turns on Jun 19, 2012 - 97 comments

Would I know if some of my comments had been deleted?

Would I know if some of my comments had been deleted? [more inside]
posted by kristi on May 1, 2012 - 64 comments

What's on your infodump wishlist?

I'm a geek in need of a spare-time project. I love metafilter, and numbers can make me kinda giddy at times, so the infodump sounds like a great place to start. Plus, this pony reminded me that I've been meaning to do something for a while. I just lack ideas. [more inside]
posted by cgg on Apr 14, 2011 - 117 comments

asking for programming help

I am finishing work on a short python program for my master's thesis. I am a newbie at python, and would like to ask for help optimizing the program in AskMe, by posting the actual script and having people with more experience give it a look. 2 questions: 1) does this sound too do-my-homework-ish? 2) the program is about 130 lines, would it be kosher to post the whole thing inside the question (not on the front page, obviously)? Or should I just link to the .py file on a server?
posted by signal on Jun 10, 2007 - 20 comments

What does a programmer/web designer needs to succeed in the current market?

even before i knew about matt's having been
laid off, i was planning on posting this to metatalk; it now has added applicability, though.

i need a job, but i have no experience in all of this crap i see postings about: websphere, sybase, etc. so here's my question: what do you guys all think that a programmer / web designer needs to succeed in the current market? any good pointers on where to learn or what to read about the junk?

posted by moz on May 25, 2001 - 16 comments

Looking for coding help for my big idea

whats the big idea?
posted by alansmithee on Oct 2, 2000 - 2 comments

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