4 posts tagged with qa.
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Ask The Pony Anything

I've felt uncomfortable for some time with the "AMA (Ask Me Anything)" posts at Reddit becoming such a high-profile 'thing' that they make it too easy to ignore that place's general toxicity. Then this happened and I really wasn't surprised. But I wondered "why does Reddit have a seeming monopoly on the format? Couldn't some other site do something similar, but SMARTER and MORE CIVILIZED? Someplace like... here?" (Wait... don't reject out of hand until you hear details of my proposal) [more inside]
posted by oneswellfoop on Dec 19, 2014 - 94 comments

Can we just answer the question?

People not answering questions but instead trying to act as pseudo-psychologists as in this post. Can we not do this, please? [more inside]
posted by DisreputableDog on Jan 19, 2013 - 81 comments

A study in Q&A sites

A study in Q&A sites: Ask Metafilter's "Why do some people wear shoes indoors?" versus Quora's "Do real Americans wear shoes indoors as portrayed in sitcom TV shows?" and its follow-on "In which North American locales is it more common to take off one's shoes when entering a home? In which is it more prevalent to leave them on?" [more inside]
posted by GuyZero on Jan 21, 2011 - 52 comments

Metaprinter interview with mathowie

Metaprinter: Q&A with MetaFilter.com founder Matt Haughey
posted by ColdChef on Dec 18, 2008 - 16 comments

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