68 posts tagged with question.
Displaying 51 through 68 of 68. Subscribe:

Show me/Tell me you love me

In the spirit of Valentines Day I am reminded of a thread on mefi or askme about the different ways people express and understand love. That is, some people are "do-ers" (ie make dinner, buy flowers) and others are "say-ers" (ie "I love you" "You look pretty today"). And there was a theory that this was the source of a lot of misunderstandings between couples because say-ers don't interpret the actions of do-ers in the right way. Does anyone else remember this? I have a strong feeling this was actually a comment on an AskMe thread. Thanks.
posted by like_neon on Feb 14, 2007 - 7 comments

AskMeFi RSS feed

AskMeFi RSS feed: Could use some sort of delineation between the question text and the More Inside text.
posted by staggernation on Jan 30, 2007 - 14 comments

Little yellow check mark

Why does this thread have a little yellow check mark by it on the main askme page, yet none of the answers are marked as best?
posted by matkline on Nov 13, 2006 - 14 comments

Is Jessamyn a volunteer or paid?

"I don't know if she's paid or volunteer, but I damned sure wouldn't want to have jessamyn's job." Well, me neither -- I sometimes disagree with the judgement calls, but wouldn't want to be the one making them, and I don't see why anyone would volunteer for it. So is jessamyn paid?
posted by reklaw on Oct 15, 2006 - 41 comments

I can't access my question.

i am having trouble accessing my blog on the ask mefi thread i started earlier. for some reason i can access all other parts of mefi, but not that thread (http://ask.metafilter.com/mefi/47579). its over the idiot roommate who has an internet girlfriend from alaska. i just want to let people know i created a blog about it since many wanted to be updated.

posted by j-urb on Sep 29, 2006 - 8 comments

new windows on "preview question"?

Every time I clicked on "Preview Question" when I was typing my most recent AskMe missive, a new window opened. Is that supposed to happen? If so, it is slightly strange - I corrected/added to my question a bunch of times and I had five windows open before I knew it!
posted by MeetMegan on Mar 11, 2006 - 4 comments

Link new question page to wiki?

On the ask.mefi "post a new question page," can we get a link to the What makes a good question wiki page?
posted by hooray on Feb 4, 2006 - 5 comments

what's the policy for/function of an anon question?

what's the policy for/function of an anon question? i've been using metafilter for awhile, but have never used it. since isaw about seven anon questions in a row, i'm curious: how long do they usually get to take approved? as i understand it, they are hand-screened? so, is it a few days...a week? and, do they count towards your question of the week (they have to, it would be too easily abusable, i guess...just one of the sentences in the explanation seems to mean that).

sorry for the confusion -_- just one of those things i never quite got around to figuring out.
posted by Lockeownzj00 on Nov 8, 2005 - 8 comments

One should be allowed to ask questions more often

What's with the one question per week? I am an active Ask.Mefi user and often have many questions (to the tune of 2-3 per week) that get awesome responses. Anyone know of comparable places to ask on a wide variety of subjects?
posted by omidius on Jan 17, 2005 - 41 comments

Any other similar sites?

Metafilter is one of those sites I visit when I've got 2 seconds to rub together, and the rubbing won't intrude too much on my train of thought. I read the posts, and I can dive in when something seems too entertaining to pass up. Other sites that hit me the same way: Boing Boing, Fark, and /.. However, on a particularly loathsome day of work related idiocies, I find that I can exhaust those sites pretty quickly (particularly since I let my TotalFark subscription lapse). Does anyone have other locations that are equal parts whimsy and serious thought?
posted by thanotopsis on Aug 31, 2004 - 24 comments

One question a week

Does anyone else think that Ask Metafilter would be improved if people could only ask one question per week? There are no 'bad' questions, and I love the site, but maybe it would be better if people saved up their questions for really good stuff, rather then just asking a question of the moment. The down side is that some off the cuff questions are the best, they mirror the way the mind thinks while on the web...
posted by chaz on Jan 22, 2004 - 31 comments

Changing user names?

Question on how to use Mefi, from a newbie....
posted by pjgulliver on Sep 5, 2002 - 54 comments

How do I deal with a cease and desist letter to my blog?

After 5 years online publishing hundreds of pages of content, my personal site poprocks.com has received a cease and desist letter from Barcelona candy company Zeta Espacial. I write about pop culture, and I am identified with the domain, personally and professionally. I have never tried to sell the domain to anyone, nor have I ever had its value appraised. Do I have any hope?
posted by popvulture on May 29, 2002 - 46 comments

Is there some sort of official policy regarding deleting posts?

Is there some sort of official policy regarding deleting posts? I didn't even know it was done until mine was deleted yesterday.
posted by zerolucid on Mar 30, 2002 - 5 comments

Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs?

Is Weblog Nation still the best selective web site to keep track of interesting blogs? Was it ever? It seems a bit staid and badly classified. The last category, for instance. is a mess. Yet, for rookies like me, it delivers.

So does anyone know of a better, more critical and more up-to-date one-step guide or portal, that cuts out the dross and concentrates on what's good?
posted by MiguelCardoso on Jan 15, 2002 - 15 comments

Old posts Italic? Great!

When were the old posts on the front page italizied. Knowing me, it happened a week ago and I just noticed. Great idea though.
posted by TacoConsumer on Oct 18, 2001 - 9 comments

What happened to our questions to Osama?

Okay... what happened to the painfully funny and popular thread from earlier today that had us offering our own questions to Osama?

I don't normally ask... I attribute any missing thread to a well-deserved deletion by Matt. But I can't imagine what about the thread would have warranted a deletion.
posted by silusGROK on Oct 17, 2001 - 18 comments

Napster question

I need help with napster, what does it mean when i am missing a WININET.DLL file??
ANy Help would be greatly appreciated. Cassie.
posted by Angel_22 on Jan 27, 2001 - 4 comments

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