5 posts tagged with quotation.
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Italicization is significant (again).

Should the search results pages' excerpts reflect the italicization of the original comments? [more inside]
posted by nobody on Jun 23, 2023 - 21 comments

Quote from... Dan Luu?? About effort and intent

I remember a quotation from someone, I think Dan Luu, about how maybe something is hard, maybe it's easy, but the thing is, the this is possible and whether you're doing it speaks more about your values than the intent of the work. I'm pretty sure I commented on this quotation directly, but can't find it. Am I losing my mind? Please help me find this. Thanks.
posted by boo_radley on May 2, 2016 - 7 comments

Forgotten quotation about marriage, in a comment on the Green

I read a quotation about marriage and the state of being married recently in an answer on AskMe, I loved it, and now I can't find it again! Awfully vague description inside. [more inside]
posted by Knicke on Sep 25, 2013 - 4 comments

Italicization is significant.

Could the favorites pages reflect the italicization of the original comments? [more inside]
posted by nobody on Dec 12, 2010 - 29 comments

How did using italics for quoting become house style?

How did using italics for quoting become house style? If it didn't just evolve, who pushed it and why?
posted by Joe Beese on Oct 17, 2010 - 82 comments

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