4 posts tagged with rural.
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Article on creativity in rural vs urban areas - help me find?

I *swear* I read an article here on MetaFilter about a study done that measured creative output in rural areas compared to urban ones. It found that urban areas had more creative output due to the higher concentration of creative types. There was synergy in being around other creative people that made you more creative yourself. I'm Googling and have searched the site but cannot find it. It was not a formal research paper but an article (that likely cited a study/studies). I'm helping with a UU sermon on creativity and would like to reference it if only I could find it! If it rings a bell for you, I'd greatly appreciate it!
posted by Twicketface on Apr 18, 2018 - 14 comments

Can we try being respectful to members from poor and rural areas too?

One of the things MeFi does not do well is Southern and rural states. Specifically, there's a definite tendency for members to derail threads or comments about the South with snide jokes or hyperbolic suggestions dehumanizing rural people and/or Southern or Appalachian people in the US. Even otherwise good comments often have nasty potshot asides buried within them. [more inside]
posted by sciatrix on Nov 13, 2015 - 246 comments

"pretty ordinary stuff for a state full of people that are 48% inbred."

The discussion of Mainers taking place in this thread is troubling me. [more inside]
posted by rollbiz on Mar 12, 2010 - 252 comments

Stop The Fly-over Hate

I'm calling out deanc and kldickson and anyone else who is trying to justify discounting everyone in a so-called "conservative area" simply because the place in which people live is not part of one of the major coastal urban zones which liberals are convinced are their sole bastion within the United States. [more inside]
posted by hippybear on Sep 5, 2009 - 326 comments

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