8 posts tagged with safety.
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How MeFi (and other providers) deal with trust & safety issues

MetaFilter and several other online service providers responded to a survey about how they prevent and respond to harmful content. A new research paper analyzes those trust and safety techniques: "These findings have implications for policy debates over the regulation of online service providers’ anti-abuse obligations and their use of end-to-end encryption." It's research and it's written in academic language but I figured that it would make sense to mention it here since it's a published paper that analyzes MeFi. See the appendix for some quotes from MetaFilter management. [more inside]
posted by brainwane on Nov 21, 2021 - 4 comments

Total Eclipse of the MetaFilter: US August 2017 edition

A catch-all Meta for MeFites to organise, enquire, wail about accommodation prices and relate their experiences about the August 21st 2017 solar eclipse which crosses the continental USA (total eclipse in 14 states, partial eclipse others and in three other continents). Please don't look at the sun directly or with dodgy glasses, but you can use your smartphone - though just don't miss it. Exclusive, traffic will be nuts, and some will do the Carbondale double. Disclaimer: other eclipses are available for other dates and countries. Obligatory link. [more inside]
posted by Wordshore on Aug 4, 2017 - 108 comments

Metafilter Munich Shooting: Check-In

Facebook has set up a safety check for people to let their loved ones know they are ok. Thought, we'd create one here for any German MetaFilter members. Stay safe everyone.
posted by Fizz on Jul 22, 2016 - 5 comments

Duck! Or Get the Popcorn.

Could this be the very first helmet thread on Metafilter? [more inside]
posted by computech_apolloniajames on Oct 29, 2011 - 11 comments

Or, as a great bumper sticker once said, Safety Third!

Safety First Filter: Can we not advocate actual death, please? [more inside]
posted by grapefruitmoon on Nov 2, 2009 - 233 comments

Fears for Obama's safety not a reasonable topic?

This post which raised the issue of fears among some in the African-American electorate that Barack Obama would not be safe as president. The thread was shut down for reasons of WTF. Not exactly sure what the problem was, and I was disappointed, as I had recently heard about this and was hoping the thread would shed some light on the issue. This NYT article would be a good starting point for discussion.
posted by flotson on Jan 6, 2008 - 47 comments

Be safe and smart!

Our own fandango_matt, of Metafilter design contest and multiple pissing elephant fame, has come up with his own Boy Scout inspired Metafilter safety guide.
posted by Krrrlson on Jul 16, 2007 - 184 comments

Looking for an old post

I'm looking for an old post that was like a three link post to customized in-flight safety cards that described an office revolution back to garden of eden-esque... Have no clue how to find it..
posted by dobie on Feb 17, 2007 - 21 comments

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