15 posts tagged with selflinking.
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Reconsidering the rule against friend-linking on the MeFi front page

We're gonna try allowing friend-linking on the front page of MetaFilter—that is, linking to stuff on the web made by someone you are friends with or have a personal connection to. Come on inside and I'll talk about why, and lay out some expectations and guidelines. [more inside]
posted by cortex on May 10, 2019 - 103 comments

A plea for a smack on the wrist

It is Eurovision Time. A disclosed self-link in a high quality FPP with many links. I didn't like it, but didn't think the account should be banhammered as it doesn't appear malicious. To be clear, self-link bans are obviously good.
posted by jaduncan on May 14, 2012 - 20 comments

Self-linker in Aisle B!

Self-linker in Aisle B! [more inside]
posted by UbuRoivas on Apr 23, 2010 - 90 comments

Do my subreddits qualify for MeFi Projects?

MeFi Projects Question: Can I post links to some subsites I've created on reddit? [more inside]
posted by reenum on Jul 28, 2009 - 21 comments

i need feedback/help and don't know if mefi is appropriate.

I'm trying to get feedback/helpers on a collaborative Google Map of bike paths in the Boston area. It's pretty small and unambitious, hardly something I've spent "a few months" on. Is this appropriate for MeFi Projects? [more inside]
posted by Muffpub on Jun 18, 2009 - 29 comments

When DIY goes wrong...

*clears throat* What is the exact reason why self-linking is metafilter's #1 sin? Help out this sorta-newbie. [more inside]
posted by sixcolors on Dec 5, 2008 - 71 comments


Smells kind of self-linky to me: 1, 2.
posted by signal on Feb 1, 2007 - 16 comments

Is linking to self-mirrored content self-linking?

Does the self linking ban apply if you move a clip from someone's page onto your youtube to save their bandwidth?

The video in question isn't theirs, it's simply someone hosting a clip from a tv show.
posted by Lord_Pall on Sep 28, 2006 - 18 comments

There is an entry on my blog about this malarky

There is an entry on my blog about this malarky. Feel free to contribute to the discussion.
There is an entry on my blog about this malarky. Feel free to contribute to the discussion.
posted by Danelope on Jun 3, 2006 - 86 comments

Callout to self-linker

Best thread ever.
posted by bukharin on May 15, 2006 - 100 comments

a self-linking double post callout

You know, there ought to be a rule (or at least social approbation) against a self-linking double post callout. It seems like it's OK to link to previous comments, but one should let a third party make the DP call.
posted by three blind mice on Apr 12, 2006 - 5 comments

Is This a Self-Link?

I am thinking of posting this to metafilter. It's my brother's warblog.


I wasn't involved in the creation of this site (other than installing his blog software), but he is my brother. His deployment began today, and he started blogging.... So I thought "hey, a chance for people to start following from day 1, that's the best of the web, right?" Anyone have any thoughts?
posted by bugmuncher on Jun 7, 2005 - 39 comments

What amounts to self-linking?

Is it considered self-linking when a tech professional makes an announcement on MeFi? I suppose Anil Dash is the best example (only an example; I'm not accusing him of this).

Dash seems to be the highest-profile MeFi commenter. Have there been others in the past?
posted by NickDouglas on Mar 9, 2005 - 67 comments

Self-Linking on AskMe Permissible?

How does one post a question regarding their homepage (that definately requires a link) in askmeta without getting people complaining about self promotion on metatalk?
posted by ralawrence on Dec 6, 2004 - 12 comments

Self-linking is a no-no.

Posted here to keep me from bringing it up on MetaFilter: If you're going to link to your brother's page (domain whois), admit it.
posted by rcade on Jul 25, 2001 - 12 comments

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