4 posts tagged with sexism and women.
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Can We Please Respect Women Expressing Joy?

It happens everywhere. Women express happiness vocally and commenters, (men and women) can't help but talk about how annoying their voices are. I see it all over the Internet. Can we not do that here? [more inside]
posted by [insert clever name here] on Nov 15, 2015 - 284 comments

#JulyByWomen project

I'm issuing the July Women's Challenge - can we get 90 extra FPPs by women in one month? [more inside]
posted by viggorlijah on Jun 30, 2014 - 650 comments

Nasty sexist icky men.

What are you all saying that poor Jessamyn has to keep deleting in this thread? Also, women of Metafilter, are men you don't know actually speculating to you about your bra size and suggesting your mood is reflective of your menstrual cycle?
posted by bluedaisy on Sep 15, 2010 - 5 comments

Not too old to fuck, either.

Am I the only one seeing the ageism and sexism here? [more inside]
posted by xenophile on Aug 13, 2010 - 163 comments

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