3 posts tagged with sexual.
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Looking for a MeFi comment for a rebuttal

There have been many, many posts on MeFi about male privilege and sexual harassment and the discussions are always enlightening but there was one comment in particular recently that blew me away. [more inside]
posted by photoslob on Sep 16, 2015 - 8 comments

comment deletion in AbePlaysGuitar's sexual predator post

Did anyone else leave a negative reponse to the pedo post in AskMe only to have it deleted? [more inside]
posted by moonlight on vermont on Jun 10, 2014 - 36 comments

MeFi harassment policy?

After reading recent posts on sexual harassment on MetaFilter and elsewhere, and the positive effect of sexual harassment policies at conventions, I wondered whether MetaFilter ought to have a sexual harassment policy to apply to IRL events. I'm not sure what such a policy would look like, but I wanted to see whether there was any agreement on the desirability of such a policy to start with. There are problematic aspects of trying to regulate off-site activity, but I think that not having any way to deal with harassment is even more problematic.
posted by grouse on Jul 7, 2013 - 385 comments

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