16 posts tagged with share.
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Time to remove Facebook social sharing?
The "social sharing" option on posts (the single little icon off to the right if you haven't turned them off in your preferences) was first added in 2011, with Twitter and Facebook. Twitter was removed in September 2023. I think, given everything, we should also remove the Facebook option. And in general I'd prefer to have zero than one, no matter what the "one" site is. I don't have a strong opinion about what sites, if any, should be there. But perhaps we could come up with a consensus on two or three new options. (I've had some small discussions with the admins about this and they suggested a MeTa post to discuss.)
How would y'all feel about a plant/seed share?
I had the idea, inspired by the username of none other than one of our new mods, who seems to have their hands full spearheading new anti-racism initiatives on the site, for a seed/plant swap. What say you all? [more inside]
If you feel up to it, please take a photo of something nice (anything that makes you feel good) and share it with all of us. It can be something on your desk. Something pretty you have hanging on the wall. Or maybe something interesting in your backyard, porch, stoop or balcony. Cute dog & cat photos are encouraged. I just want to look at something pleasant and nice. Stay safe and remember to be kind to yourself and to others.
MetaTalktail Hour: Oh, Just a Perfect Day
For this Euro-shifted MetaTalktail Hour, paduasoy asks "Hi all! I was asked at a job interview to describe my perfect day. Wondering what other people's perfect days would be. (I didn't get the job!)"
MetaTalktail Hour: Famous on the Internet
For this month's Euro time shift Metatalktails, we hear from Mefite I'm always feeling, Blue who wants to know about your brushes with the internet-famous ... [more inside]
MetaTalktail Hour: ✨I Dreamed a Dream✨
For this Euro time shift edition of Metatalktails we want to tiptoe into your dreams and ask you to tell us something you feel like sharing about your adventures with Queen Mab. Have you ever had repetitive or serial dreams? Do you have special themes that recur in your dreams? Have you ever solved a problem or puzzle by dreaming the solution? Have you ever been a different person in a dream? Ever had a dream come true? [more inside]
Fucking Fuck XIV: F-Bombs Away!
Fuck it, I can't thinking of anything fucking witty to say. This is the new fucking fuck venting thread. [more inside]
Fucking Fuck XII - Extreme Fuckery
There was a call out for a new venting thread. Here it is. Vent to your heart's content here and remember, we're all in this together. Also, everybody needs a hug.
Fucking Fuck X - The Enfuckenating
Do not go gentle into that good night [more inside]
Let's follow each other on Pocket
Surely, there are many MeFites on Pocket. Their Friends function is the closest thing I've found to the social features on the dearly departed Google Reader Let's exchange usernames and become friends. [more inside]
The Joy of FPPing
To people who have done this; why did you create Front Page Post(s) on MetaFilter? The motivations are interesting in themselves, and may also provide positive reasons for people to cross the rubicon from lurker to poster. [more inside]
New Twitter/Facebook sharing options proposed
Check out the small new twitter/facebook share links on this thread (only enabled there as a test) and let us know what you think [more inside]
Kindle lending library for mefites?
Yesterday, Amazon enabled lending for e-books in Kindle format, albeit with a whole lot of caveats, restrictions, limitations and rampant publisher opt-outs. But hey, books. Any interest in setting up a lending library for Mefites? And if so how the hell would we do that? [more inside]
Mouseover Text and Share This Link Feature Requests
I respectfully request two ponies, please. [more inside]
Collecting Specialness
I noticed Neatorama had another post from Metafilter on their site (previously), but then looked closely and noticed it wasn't Metafilter they were linking to. [more inside]
Wii friend code exchange
It Is Now Wii Friend Code Time