10 posts tagged with space.
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Disability/ableism thread: access intimacy, taking care of each other

Like previous MeTas, this thread is a space for people affected by ableism to converse, about experiences on and off the site. We're trying to make this a space relatively free of pressure from people who AREN'T hurt by ableism. You get to decide whether ableism affects you. This thread is for everyone to read and for disabled people to (mostly) participate in. [more inside]
posted by brainwane on Jan 21, 2020 - 133 comments


End of another long week, let's carve out a space to talk about something other than politics for those that need that space. Speaking of space, let's talk about astronomy. Open chat to talk about all things astronomical: NASA, JPL, rockets, stars, planets, planetary bodies, galaxies, black holes, life on Mars, is Pluto a planet, satellites, exploration, the moon landing, SpaceX, anything and everything related to the stars up above us. As always, be kind to yourself and to others.
posted by Fizz on Jan 17, 2020 - 54 comments

December open thread: disability, neurodiversity, and d/Deafness

Just as in previous MeTas, this thread is a conversational space for disabled folks and other folks affected by ableism to talk about their experiences on the site. You get to decide whether ableism affects you -- this is not a space focused on gatekeeping. That said, this thread is for everyone to read and for disabled people to (mostly) participate in. [more inside]
posted by sciatrix on Dec 6, 2019 - 48 comments

Open thread: Disability, d/Deafness, and neurodiversity

This thread is a place for us to explain what ableism is (explaining two models of disability and some other useful concepts), and provide a place for people affected by ableism to talk to one another in a space relatively free of pressure from people who are not impacted by that. You get to decide whether ableism affects you -- this thread is for everyone to read and for disabled people to (mostly) participate in. It is okay and highly encouraged for people to talk about themselves and their own experiences, but less so to talk about other people's imagined experiences. [more inside]
posted by sciatrix on Sep 1, 2019 - 75 comments

Many moons ago...

As another week draws to a close, let's talk about something unrelated to politics, all in the spirit of Fizz, who is taking a break. Inquiring minds want to know... What significance did/does the Apollo 11 mission have for you? Do you remember it, or was it all dusty ancient history to you? Did you want to be an astronaut when you grew up? Anyone in your circle think the moon landing was a hoax? This post invites you to ruminate on whatever thoughts the moon landing raises for you, without invoking politics. Inside, you'll find links to recent pertinent FPPs. As always, be kind to yourself and your fellow MeFites! [more inside]
posted by carmicha on Jul 19, 2019 - 69 comments

Searching for post about Objectivist web comic

I'm having trouble googling up a web comic I'm sure I saw on MeFi in the last several years. I believe the setting was an space colony or space station that was run according to Objectivist philosophy. [more inside]
posted by He Is Only The Imposter on Jun 19, 2017 - 18 comments

Jerks on my spacestation?

A while back, I asked my fellow mefites Do astronauts suffer from hypnic jerks? There didn't seem to be any definite answer, but last night I went to a book signing by astronaut Chris Hadfield (previously), and was able to ask him. He said that they do indeed have them while in space. Mystery solved! Science!
posted by borkencode on Nov 7, 2013 - 64 comments

Space! William Shatner! and a metafilter connection....

William Shatner tweets at an astronaut in orbit, and gets a tweet back...meanwhile, brownpau gets a mention.....scroll down just a wee bit to see. (Redshirt? really?)
posted by St. Alia of the Bunnies on Jan 6, 2013 - 23 comments


Leopard cramps my MeFi commenting style. [more inside]
posted by sparkletone on Oct 28, 2007 - 22 comments

Be nice to PP.

Be nice to PP.
posted by five fresh fish on Aug 5, 2005 - 10 comments

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