10 posts tagged with story.
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Metatalktail Hour: Dear me ...

Hello, friends, and happy weekend! Today turned out to be kind of nippy and / or rainy. In a rush to leave the house, you accidentally grabbed an old coat or jacket ... one you haven't worn for at least five years, maybe longer. Putting your hand in the pocket you find a scrap of paper with a note — a note to yourself that you wrote, but no longer remember writing. What does the note say? [more inside]
posted by taz on Jan 28, 2023 - 50 comments

Metatalktail Hour: SHALL WE PLAY A GAME?

💻 How about this?: Glance at your surroundings, and jot down 5 things you see around you. The next commenter spins a story, or a poem, or a joke, or a narration, or a news item or a screenplay or a help-wanted ad or a user manual or homework essay or video game concept or award acceptance speech or PhD thesis about / using those things, or uses them to describe what's happening in their own life. [more inside]
posted by taz on Feb 26, 2022 - 92 comments

Another MeFi author sighting

If you read the short story Cat Person in the New Yorker and the NYT interview with author Kristen Roupenian, maybe you wondered what other MeFites thought of it, because it seemed to be right up Metafilter's alley. So did the author. Congratulations to MeFi's Own Sock Person Cat Puppet, who has great taste in sockpuppet usernames, among many other things.
posted by RedOrGreen on Dec 11, 2017 - 29 comments

ISO short story in recipe blog format

Some time ago a story in recipe blog format where some kind of natural disaster/apocalypse was happening and the blog's author was taking in other children + trying to keep her own family afloat was posted to the blue, I think in a post that aggregated multiple noteworthy stories, possibly for being nominated for something. Have been trying unsuccessfully to find it. [more inside]
posted by Cozybee on Aug 29, 2017 - 4 comments

Post about a fruit? That takes over your brain? Or something?

There was a Metafilter post a while back and it was about a story that was like a science fiction/horror story. It's told like a series of transmissions I think? From what I recall it was about aliens invading people's brains, something about a fruit? And a color? I'm so sorry this is such a hopeless description but maybe it's enough to trigger something in the hivemind?
posted by like_neon on Feb 25, 2016 - 15 comments

I want to read your drivel

Six Minute Story. Enough people using it to warrant making it social app to link to from the profile page? [more inside]
posted by theichibun on Nov 3, 2010 - 13 comments

Great read!

Hi, just wanted to say how great (I think) this story comment is. I don't get to read everything on the site, and maybe someone missed this like I miss other things.
posted by four panels on Nov 16, 2009 - 45 comments


I'm sorry, but this gem from tkchrist absolutely needs to be on the sidebar. [more inside]
posted by notsnot on Nov 12, 2008 - 72 comments

What is the story of Metafilter?

Imho this question didn't feel like it was "askMefi" so here goes. I'm observing how groups/communities form organically or virally online around common values/goals/whatever and I wonder if there's ever been a discussion, thread, study etc done on Metafilter's beginnings, how it grew etc? Any thoughts, stories, anecdotes?
posted by infini on Aug 12, 2008 - 72 comments

Wardriving weblog spammer story

I post link about wardriving comment spammer. Metafilter Snap Detective Collective examines link, and concludes it is a hoax. Owner of site signs up, and insists it is real and he is not lying. Thread is closed. Conclusion: Everyone lives happily ever after.
posted by brownpau on Jun 23, 2006 - 33 comments

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