16 posts tagged with subscription.
Displaying 1 through 16 of 16. Subscribe:

Metatalktail Hour: Chatter Box

You've received a rather deluxe gift of a monthly subscription box, and it turns out it's your *perfect* fantasy subscription box! What's inside? What sort of theme is your delightful subscription? What items might you find inside? Let us dream. [more inside]
posted by taz on May 14, 2022 - 56 comments

August is MetaFilter fundraising month

It's fundraising time! MetaFilter depends primarily on user and reader support to continue to operate: that funding pays for moderation, site development, and basic administrative costs like server hosting. It is increasingly difficult to operate a site like ours in the modern web economy, and your financial contributions through one-time contributions and recurring subscriptions have made, and will make, all the difference in keeping MeFi going.

You can start or increase your subscription here. I'll answer some questions about what we need, where the money goes, and what's coming up below, so come on inside if you want more detail. [more inside]
posted by cortex on Aug 2, 2021 - 74 comments

Metatalktail Hour: My Life in Boxes

Happy weekend, MetaFilter! As a subscription box addict, this week I'm wondering a) what would be your absolutely ideal subscription box? and/or b) if you were to curate a subscription box of your life, what would I be subscribing to? Interpret broadly. :) [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Dec 11, 2020 - 87 comments

Metatalktail Hour: Subscribe!

Good Saturday evening, MetaFilter! It's Eurotalktails (one week late)! This week, devrim wants to know "what would be in your dream custom subscription box, catered to exactly your interests by your id and keeping withing a reasonable budget?" Inspired by this thread. [more inside]
posted by Eyebrows McGee on Nov 10, 2018 - 94 comments

I would ride this pony into a sunset and a title card that says The End.

On FanFare, would it be possible to have the option to subscribe to a film club like you can subscribe to a tv show? [more inside]
posted by phunniemee on Apr 23, 2015 - 12 comments

Almost-paywalls, not quite subscription only.

This is just to say that I was disappointed I couldn't access the article linked in this FPP, and the link was essentially the entire FPP. [more inside]
posted by blue suede stockings on Jan 14, 2015 - 33 comments

thread subscriptions without RSS?

Advice/pony: I often see what promises to become an interesting thread, only to forget about it afterward. is there any way to collect recent activity from several threads, without commenting in them? Or is it just time to bite the bullet and learn this RSS rubbish?
posted by d. z. wang on Jan 4, 2011 - 27 comments

New iCal Subscription URL

Hey meetup fans, we have a new iCalendar Meetups Subscription location. [more inside]
posted by pb on Sep 10, 2009 - 12 comments

Free Weather Underground subscription

FreeStuffFilter: I just looked at my subscription-paid Weather Underground page and noticed that the WU is letting me send free 1-year memberships to anybody I choose. I've already sent these to my family, and the WU keeps giving me more, so if anybody wants one, ping me and I'll send you one, until I run out or WU decides I've sent enough.
posted by 40 Watt on Dec 21, 2005 - 27 comments

Self-Link Ahoy!

The 2011 post leads to a paid-subscription only article and indirectly through the comments ends up being a self-link. I'm sure it's accidental, but it shouldn't be there.
posted by Captaintripps on Jan 9, 2005 - 22 comments

MeFi pro?

Is mefi pro still coming?
posted by djacobs on Nov 3, 2002 - 9 comments

Slashdot offers subscriptions

Slashdot offers subscriptions. Considering their traffic, it's amazing they've held out this long. The interesting thing is that the model is based on usage. Five bucks for a thousand ad-free pageviews, and some options to specify where you will deal with seeing the ads. Pretty interesting setup, I think.
posted by Su on Mar 1, 2002 - 17 comments

MoneyFilter for MetaFilter

MoFi4MeFi (MoneyFilter for MetaFilter): Last September, Matt asked the following: What if I killed [MeFi] sometime in the future, and brought it back, but you had to pay a small membership fee or some other 'high' barrier to entry? That'd keep the crowd small, manageable, and only those that really cared to discuss things would contribute. Would that make things better? Worse?

The discussion that followed did not necessarily address the question (a few positively responded to a subscriber-based MeFi). Maybe, this idea needs to be reviewed again. [more inside]
posted by jacknose on Feb 21, 2002 - 46 comments

Are subscriber-only links ok?

Do posts to the main page that lead to a "Subscriber Login" page qualify for deletion? Also, what is the preferred form of notification?
posted by sillygit on Nov 12, 2001 - 6 comments

Posting to sites requiring subscription?

What's the world view here on posting links to articles that are on a site that requires a paid subscription? Every once in a while, the Wall Street Journal publishes some interesting articles with a unique insight not quite duplicated on a non-subscription site. I'm just trying to avoid a wrist slap here and I couldn't find any threads concerning this using the search function.
posted by billman on Oct 25, 2001 - 3 comments

Is there a trend towards subscription-required content, and what does this mean to us?

Subscription-based sites and weblogs: For better or for worse, Salon has long been a major staple of weblog news links, including front-page posts to MeFi. Now that their news and politics sections have become premium exclusives, will they still be useful to webloggers? And if this is the beginning of a trend towards more for-pay and less free content on the web, how will this affect link-based weblogs?
posted by harmful on Oct 8, 2001 - 18 comments

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