10 posts tagged with threading.
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my favorite tame lapse cat comments

Pony request: favorite comments threaded by post [more inside]
posted by smartyboots on Oct 12, 2008 - 8 comments

Here we go again....

Frustrating [more inside]
posted by joaniek on Aug 22, 2008 - 11 comments

My Little Pony Express

One thing that annoys me about long MeMail conversations is the lack of threading; before services like GMail and Facebook, which thread messages, this wouldn't have been such a big deal, but anymore I find it kind of irritating to have to click through several pages to read old messages in a thread. So how's about some conversation threading in MeMail? [more inside]
posted by Pope Guilty on Jun 30, 2008 - 19 comments

Reply link inline w/ comments?

Requesting to add a link to reply directly to another comment. [more inside]
posted by booticon on Mar 7, 2008 - 46 comments

Pony. If no pony, then sub-threads.

Give me super-speed-reading abilities, or give me death. No--wait! I mean, give me sub-comments. Not death. [more inside]
posted by not_on_display on Jan 4, 2008 - 152 comments

On the internet everyone knows you are a wedge of spite

Yes it is a double, but it is also good example of how one or two cranky farts can totally change the tone of a thread. [more inside]
posted by aspo on Oct 8, 2007 - 184 comments

A vote for threaded comments

If MeFi had threaded comments like most forums, it would be easy to simply delete a comment and all of its followups in one swoop. I used to do this all the time on a forum I moderated, and it was really nice.
(This comment was going to be appended to the prematurely-closed thread two below.)
posted by agropyron on Mar 20, 2006 - 75 comments

I want to be more Plastic

Since the proverbial "MeTa seal" has been broken, and posts are flowing freely again, I have a request for management. I frequent Plastic, and their commenting structure intrigues me. You have the ability to comment to a specific comment within the thread, or create a free-standing comment. Is it possible for MeFi to have the same/similar structure? That way, when a poster would like to comment specifically to another poster, there's no need to search the entire thread for responses.
posted by BlueTrain on Jun 4, 2002 - 42 comments

Dynamic threading

Kuro5hin's implementation of dynamic threading almost makes threading easy to follow and use. Impressive use of technology to solve a usability problem (reading deeply threaded conversations online is a real bear, requiring many page loads).
posted by mathowie on Apr 24, 2002 - 8 comments

Take it off line

posted by MattD on Mar 3, 2001 - 23 comments

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