8 posts tagged with threat.
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Should No-Doxxing Policies Apply To Links/FPPs Too?

While a hard bright line has been maintained against actively doxxing people in comments on Metafilter, where do we stand about FPPs and comments that link to sites which expose details of people's information and home lives against their will? Most recently, the recent FPP about doxxing members of the intelligence community, to include photos of them, their family, details of where they live, and which cars they drive, etc. Can we, and should we, do better? [more inside]
posted by corb on May 11, 2015 - 133 comments

You'd love to see him die what?

Mr. Hincandenza, this is the United States Secret Service. We've got a few questions for you about something you posted on the internets.
posted by dersins on Mar 20, 2006 - 43 comments

What if these threats became real?

What would happen if someone on MeFi actually took up Smedleyman's disturbing offer to pay for plane fare out somewhere to put a gun to his head and pull the trigger?
posted by Meridian on Jan 15, 2006 - 72 comments

It's hard to tell in text if a threat is serious, so don't do it.

It is ever so much a shame that one . . . can not be sure of getting away with offering $500 to see a specific user harmed. Because if I could, I would -- and I am dead bloody serious about this -- offer that much to see him hurt very badly.

This is just wrong.
posted by caddis on Aug 23, 2005 - 337 comments

Secret Service party invitation

Whoa. Do we really need what this might bring down on MeFi if it's picked up by some Drudge-type parasite? Yikes.
posted by realcountrymusic on Aug 17, 2005 - 206 comments

Our own little Ashcroft.

Our own little Ashcroft. Are threats really appropriate in a place meant for discussion?
posted by amberglow on Oct 23, 2004 - 60 comments

Violent threats not funny

Violent threats. Even if it's a joke, it's not funny and not cool.
posted by squirrel on Feb 5, 2004 - 63 comments

Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

I'm curious about the etiquette issues involved in today's thread about teen sex. Aside from the issue of the tastelessness of this joke, what is the relative appropriateness of the suggestion that someone should commit violence upon the joker? Is a call for a beatdown an appropriate response to bad taste?

posted by redfoxtail on Jan 16, 2001 - 26 comments

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