3 posts tagged with treats.
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End of another long week, let's carve out a space to talk about something other than politics for those that need that space. Let's talk about the nice things we do for ourselves. What's something nice you've done for yourself lately? Maybe you set some time aside to read a book. Or went for a walk and left your phone behind so you could clear your head. Or you bought that small bar of chocolate at the impulse aisle of the grocery store. Maybe you had a drink or a smoke to relax at the end of a long week of work. Whatever it is, I'm sure you deserve it. Feel free to also talk about something nice you've done for a loved one as well. As always, be kind to yourself and to others. TREAT YO SELF!
posted by Fizz on Mar 6, 2020 - 45 comments

The Great Mefi Cookie Swap 2019

Lovely mefities, Cookie Swapping Season is nigh! Sign up by December 1 to get in on all of this deliciousness. [more inside]
posted by chara on Nov 18, 2019 - 30 comments

Metatalktails: Seasonal Treats

Wordshore wants to know, as temperatures drop and nights lengthen in the Northern Hemisphere, with the opposite happening in the Southern half, what treats (not just food) of the season are you most looking forward to, or enjoying now? [more inside]
posted by LobsterMitten on Nov 3, 2018 - 106 comments

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