7 posts tagged with vacapinta.
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Happy Moderator's Day!
49a: Better Know a Moderator: vacapinta
This half episode hovers around 38 minutes and features a long interview with vacapinta talking about becoming a mefi mod, life in London, and his adventures in a new timezone. The second (normal mefi recap) half of this podcast will be up later this week.
Though now they are giants, once they were just like us.
What were the mods like (on Metafilter) before they were mods? Please point me to notable posts by Jessamyn, Cortex, et al from when they were just some schmo on MeFi like you or me. [more inside]
Vacapinta's awesome post about Ko Un
Vacapinta did a wonderful post this week. You should check it out.
The first one is always easy.
Vacapinta's first kill.
This is going to work out just like we've been asking.
I drink (coffee) to the glory of your new might, vacapinta!
New Overlord!!
Vacapinta is a New Mod? [more inside]
There are only about five active posters running thousands of sockpuppet accounts
I hate to derail the potental hilarity from within the 'quonsar - who he?' thread, but I have a teeny bug: I was searching for stavros (to make sure he really was in Korea and I wasn't making a huge mistake asking him to comment on something of which he knew nothing), and got two results for 'stavrosthewonderchicken'. One was him. The other was actually vacopinta.
Here's the url of the search.
And just to get back to quonsar-filter, there are five of him - one of which is jonson, one of which is madamjujujive, and none of which really are quonsar.
Here's the url of the search.
And just to get back to quonsar-filter, there are five of him - one of which is jonson, one of which is madamjujujive, and none of which really are quonsar.