3 posts tagged with wine.
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Homebrew Swap 2010 Follow Up

Homebrew Swap Thread! Thanks to maurice and box for the booze! [more inside]
posted by mccarty.tim on Jun 9, 2010 - 56 comments

My sentiment be scorned

Eep, sorry. [more inside]
posted by turgid dahlia on Mar 11, 2009 - 99 comments

Lost thread: wine crushing catastrophe

Please help me find an old (say, last 18 months) mefi thread: I don't remember what the thread itself was about, but within it, someone posted a link to a video of an accident a newscaster had while standing in a grape-crushing/wine-making vat on a stage. She falls, gets winded, and makes this weird gurgling noise. Almost immediately thereafter, someone posted a "remix" mp3 of the gurgling audio. I've rarely laughed so hard, but cannot think of the right key words to search for so I can share it with others.....

Also, I'm working under the assumption that since I'm asking a metafilter-specific question, that this is more apropos here than on ask.mefi. Please set me straight if I have that wrong.
posted by kimota on Dec 2, 2005 - 14 comments

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