9 posts tagged with wtc.
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One Dozen Years Later

9/11 was twelve years ago. Metafilter hosted amazing collaborative citizen journalism of the event as it happened.
posted by double block and bleed on Sep 11, 2013 - 133 comments

9-11 Tribute Overload

Can we agree not to post any more 9-11 links today? I will Nevar Forget, but it's all been said to death.

Likewise, let's have just one post on December 7th.
posted by Mayor Curley on Sep 11, 2004 - 45 comments

MetaFilter World Trade Center Design Contest

This thread is for the discussion of the suggested MetaFilter World Trade Center Design Contest (I'm not even going to attempt an acronym for that one)

Please comment and criticize away. Particulars that need discussion include: how to enter? how to judge? etc.
posted by Ptrin on Jan 21, 2002 - 13 comments

Free will's a bitch.

Is this maybe not the best hornet's nest to stir up again? It got pretty ugly last time, and this is just a different salvo in that same MeFi street fight...
posted by hincandenza on Oct 11, 2001 - 22 comments

Too much WTC.

If you don't contribute front-page links, you probably haven't seen the post a link page where Matt pleads with users to show some restraint with WTC links. Should he put it in a bigger font?
posted by rcade on Oct 3, 2001 - 27 comments

No really, take it to Metatalk

Is it OK to violate MetaFilter etiquette to complain about WTC posts? [more inside]
posted by kirkaracha on Sep 28, 2001 - 35 comments

One WTC thread a day

Since the large number of WTC threads is pissing off our leader, why don't longtimers post related comments and links only in the first WTC thread of the day and let the others disappear from our consciousness as quickly as that Live WTC tribute song?
posted by rcade on Sep 25, 2001 - 18 comments

WTC filter exhaustion

Much as I wish to be informed about what's going on with current events, I *really* wish we could focus on life for a little while. Now I know this has been talked about here before, about posting non-WTC links, and I'm attempting to do so, but I wonder what other options there could be. Maybe a http://wtc.metafilter.com? Or a 'WTC' check box? What can be done short of matt saying 'chill out homies'?
posted by jcterminal on Sep 22, 2001 - 6 comments

NJ-Based Post-9/11 Services (Grief Couseling, Missing Persons)

There is so much going on the front page, I didn't know where to include this. I know this doesn't affect everyone as it's more New Jersey info, but putting it out in the hopes that the right people get it makes me feel less useless. (more inside)

posted by FunkyHelix on Sep 13, 2001 - 3 comments

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